M&V Salon event with Leila Johnston and Sinead McDonald

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Nov 26, 2015, 9:48:50 PM11/26/15
to Birmingham Hack Space

...Leila being the ringleader behind Hack Circus and the Shift Run Stop podcast (with Roo Reynolds) and Sinead being an active member of Tog Hackerspace in Dublin.

Leila's been doing some interesting stuff with thermal imaging and LED matrices, and Sinead's hoping to be able to get a brainwave-controlled clock through airport security...

Come and join us for mince pies and some hands-on experimenting!


Many & Varied, December Salon
Friday 4th of December, 1pm-5pm, The Bond Company, Birmingham
Free, but please reserve a place at https://manyandvariedsalon-dec.eventbrite.co.uk

The Many & Varied Salons are monthly gatherings for people who work collaboratively and across disciplines.

December's Salon - the final one in our programme - will feature special guests Leila Johnston (Sheffield) and Sinead McDonald (Dublin), who are both currently working on some very interesting artist residencies.

Sinead and Leila will be bringing a selection of their current research to the Salon. Sinead's time-themed residency in Dublin has her experimenting with clocks and ideas about bodily time – and Leila's work at London dance company Rambert is seeing her experimenting with digital traces that communicate something beautiful and incidental to the choreography. Both artists work with science and technology, but always use the presence of real humans as their starting point.

Nothing is as it seems: find out how time and the body defy definition and expect to question the arbitrariness of 'digital' itself. Share your own ideas, and put your thoughts into action with live experiments with low-fi tech you can play with.

More information, links and sign-up at https://manyandvariedsalon-dec.eventbrite.co.uk

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