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Francisco Vargas

Aug 10, 2021, 5:30:11 AM8/10/21
to BioUno Developers

I've used the Java implementation from drmaa.org for SLURM few years ago, but now we have switched to SLURM.
Do you have some information/examples? on how to use drmaa for SLURM in Java?

Thanks a lot!

Bruno P. Kinoshita

Aug 11, 2021, 3:51:08 AM8/11/21
to BioUno Developers
Hi Francisco,

Unfortunately I haven't used Java + SLURM yet. With or without DRMAA. At the moment I have access to a Slurm HPC, but we are using Python and have one custom implementation for each batch-scheduler [1] but with plans to investigate DRMAA.

I think Dask also has custom implementations for each batch-scheduler, and I just had a look at Galaxy and while they have a dramaa runner, they also have a pbs one, and a slurm one...

Couldn't find a good implementation in Java to send you, I am sorry. But in case you learn about one, please share with us :)


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