S. purpuratus Endomesoderm and Ectoderm btp files

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Zachery Mielko

Jan 9, 2018, 7:43:07 PM1/9/18
to BioTapestry-users
I've scanned through the posts and saw an older one saying that the preferred method was to contact Eric Davidson. Who would be the new point of contact to ask for those files? I've taken a look online but I don't think they have been publicly released yet.



Bill Longabaugh

Jan 17, 2019, 6:38:55 PM1/17/19
to BioTapestry-users
Just saw this post, I don't know how it slipped through without my noticing. Sorry. For future reference, Isabelle Peter at Caltech is the new contact to ask for those files.
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