Glad your HTML5 Canvas version is coming.
On 4/8/14,
biotapes...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> =============================================================================
> Today's topic summary
> =============================================================================
> Group:
> Url:
> - Forcing Mac Mavericks to Launch a Viewer [1 Update]
> =============================================================================
> Topic: Forcing Mac Mavericks to Launch a Viewer
> Url:
> =============================================================================
> ---------- 1 of 1 ----------
> From: Bill Longabaugh <
> Date: Apr 07 06:17PM -0700
> Url:
> Apple (and Oracle) are making it increasingly difficult to launch the Java
> WebStart BioTapestry Viewer, such as the one that is used to share the
> online sea urchin endomesoderm model
> (
http://sugp.caltech.edu/endomes/index.html). It turns out that as of patch
> 51 of Java 7 a few months ago, the sandboxed Viewer application (i.e. it
> does not ask for any special security privileges) needs to be signed with a
> security certificate anyway to get it launched with the minimum of hassles.
> So the sea urchin viewer has been signed, and it works well on Linux and
> Windows. However, Apple has decided that unless you buy a signing
> certificate from them, they will not allow your application to cleanly
> launch without jumping through some obscure hoops, unless you take the
> unwise step of reducing the security level. So this posting shows that
> sequence of hoops.
> You can still launch the signed viewer with relative ease, as long as you
> first launch "System Preferences", and then choose the Security and Privacy
> Panel. Then, as the attached sequence of screen shots show (going 1-4), you
> can click on the BioTapestry launch link, then acknowledge that you will
> not be allowed to run it (Pic 1). But as soon as you click on the OK, the
> Security and Privacy panel will pop up a message that gives you the
> opportunity to open it anyway (Pic 2). Click on that button, then
> acknowledge the usual warning about internet applications (Pic 3), and the
> Viewer will launch (Pic 4).
> This hassle will go away when we finish BioTapestry Version 7, which will
> support a browser-only HTML5 Canvas version of the Viewer. Until then,
> there is this workaround.
> Thanks,
> Bill
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