Draft governance for Bioprotocols WG

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Jake Beal

Jul 26, 2022, 12:18:52 PM7/26/22
to bioprotocols
Hi, folks:

As we are organizing fundraising to support further development of PAML and supporting tools, one of the critical steps is to establish a formal organization and governance for this community. 

I have put together a sketch draft, which we reviewed and adjusted in today's meeting. We now want to circulate this for comment to the full community - please take a look at this Google Doc and discuss (either on the doc or here on the mailing list). Once there seems to be a reasonable consensus, I will flesh out this sketch into full formal language, which we can then put up for a vote and bootstrap this community into existence.


Jacob Beal

Jul 29, 2022, 9:36:52 AM7/29/22
to bioprotocols
Hi, folks:

Thank you to the several people who have commented on the draft governance already --- it has been adjusted in several ways so far based on the discussions we have had there. I'd like to encourage others to join the conversation in the Google Doc as well: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gINiQD_hqDK_m95mXiXZaCMMYObt6PZdxRwZ-ip_rgw/edit?usp=sharing
If not major issues arise, I hope to expand to formal language and move toward adoption beginning early next week.


Jacob Beal

Aug 2, 2022, 11:45:10 AM8/2/22
to bioprotocols
Thank you to everybody who contributed comments and discussion on the draft governance. Based on these contributions, I have expanded that outline into a complete governance document in a new location: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hhPSPzfCZlKmu1Lc1RelcRd645Ur1N7wiOmiiuS_4VE/edit?usp=sharing
Please read and comment on this full draft.

If there are no major issues, I hope to establish rough consensus and launch a formal adoption vote and nominations for elections at the end of this week.


Jacob Beal

Aug 4, 2022, 4:54:20 PM8/4/22
to bioprotocols
Reminder to all: please read and comment on the governance document ASAP. If there are no significant issues raised, I plan to launch an adoption vote tomorrow afternoon.

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