Dear participants,
Participants are encouraged to submit a communication to the BioNLP-ST 2016 Workshop. The participation papers are expected to describe how the results were obtained: methods, technologies, and resources. The accepted papers will be published in the ACL/BioNLP proceedings and will be selected according to the criteria of the ACL workshops.
As for the previous editions, we are prospecting the opportunity to follow the workshop with a special issue in a high impact factor journal.
Detailed information about the workshop and paper submission is available on the Web site:
Please note the revised schedule:
15/05/2016 Paper submission
06/06/2016 Notification of acceptance
22/06/2016 Author camera-ready
12/08/2016 BioNLP Workshop
13/08/2016 Shared Task Workshop (joint event with BioASQ)
Best regards,
Robert Bossy
BioNLP-ST Workshop PC Chair