(apologies for duplicate posting)
Joint shared task for ACL BioNLP 2016 workshop
* BioNLP 2016 workshop on 12th August &
Joint Shared Task workshop on 13th August
* Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
We are pleased to announce the shared tasks BioNLP-ST and BioASQ2016
to be organized in conjunction with the ACL BioNLP 2016 workshop.
BioNLP-ST represents fine-grained information extraction tasks. This
time it is 4th joint organization with BioNLP, and it aims at
developing and evaluating IE systems for knowledge base construction.
It consists of three tasks:
* Genia: NFkB Knowledge base construction
* SeeDev: genetic and molecular mechanisms involved in plant seed development
* Bacteria Biotope: bacteria locations and normalization with an ontology
BioASQ2016 will be the fourth edition of the BioASQ challenge and
will consist of two different tasks:
* Task 4a on large-scale biomedical semantic indexing
* Task 4b on biomedical semantic Question Answering
The shared tasks will provide benchmark data sets and evaluation
services. Participation to the tasks will be open to all interested
parties. Participants are expected to develop systems to
automatically produce annotations to documents or answers to questions
that are required by the tasks. The automatically generated
annotations or answers will then be evaluated against manually
provided responses.
All the participants will be invited to submit papers on their
participation in the shared tasks.
Successful submissions will be presented in the joint shared task
workshop (August 13). Also, selected shared task papers will be
presented as posters in the BioNLP workshop (August 12). All accepted
papers will be included in the proceedings of the ACL BioNLP workshop.
For details about the shared tasks, please refer to the shared task homepages.
According to the nature of the tasks, BioNLP-ST and BioASQ will run different
task schedules, but will share the same paper submission & review schedule
as follows:
* in January Training Data Release
* 8th May Manuscript Submission
* 12th August BioNLP workshop
* 13th August Joint Shared Task workshop
For detailed information about the schedule of each task, please refer to the
corresponding homepage.
Organizing Committee
* Jin-Dong Kim (DBCLS)
* Claire Nedellec (INRA)
* Robert Bossy (INRA)
* Estelle Chaix (INRA)
* George Paliouras (NCSR "Demokritos" and University of Houston)
* Ioannis Kakadiaris (University of Houston)
* Anastasia Krithara (NCSR "Demokritos")