[bionlp-st] BioNLP-ST'16: SeeDev Task - 1st Call for Participation

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Claire Nedellec

Jan 19, 2016, 11:48:33 AM1/19/16
to bion...@bionlp-st.org
SeeDev Task in BioNLP Shared Task 2016 -- - 1st Call for Participation

We are pleased to announce the opening of the SeeDev task of BioNLP Shared Task 2016. SeeDev is an event extraction task of genetic and molecular mechanisms involved in plant seed development.
As in previous editions of BioNLP-ST, manually annotated data is provided for training, development and evaluation of the participating extraction methods. The training dataset is now available for download. More information will be given through the BioNLP-ST mailing-list (registration at bionlp-st at bionlp-st.org)
The details of the task can be found in the dedicated SeeDev web pages of the BioNLP-ST'16 web site.

Robert Bossy, Estelle Chaix, Claire Nédellec
SeeDev Task organizers
Bibliome group, MaIAGE lab.
INRA, France
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