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Animal Movement Science School AniMove - application deadline approaching

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Jan 15, 2019, 12:33:40 PM1/15/19
Dear all,

the application deadline for the AniMove Science School is approaching.
Apply before February 1st 2019 to learn how to analyze animal movement
and remote sensing data for ecology and conservation applications using R.

AniMove 2019 will be in Yale, US from June 3rd to 14th at the Max Planck
- Yale Center for Biodiversity Movement and Global Change.

*bout AniMove*: Animal Movement Analysis summer school is offered as a
two-week professional training course, that targets students,
researchers and conservation practitioners that have collected animal
relocation data and want to learn how to analyze these data. Course
participants will have the opportunity to apply learned techniques to
their own data during the course.

Animal movement is critical for maintenance of ecosystem services and
biodiversity. The study of complex movement patterns and of the factors
that control such patterns is essential to inform conservation research
and environmental management. Technological advances have greatly
increased our ability to track, study, and manage animal movements. But
analyzing and contextualizing vast amounts of tracking data can present
scientific, computational, and technical challenges that require
scientists and practitioners to master new skills from a wide range of
computational disciplines.

*AniMove*, a _collective of international researchers
<>_ with extensive experience in these
topics, teaches a two-week intensive non-profit training course for
studying animal movement. This two-week course focuses on
interdisciplinary approaches linking animal movement with environmental
factors to address challenging theoretical and applied questions in
conservation biology. To achieve this, participants will acquire
significant skills in computational ecology, movement data
pre-processing and analysis, modeling, remote sensing and Geographic
Information Systems (GIS).

more details here:

EAGLE team

Jan 15, 2019, 12:34:01 PM1/15/19
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