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Photogrammetry course, May 21-25, Barcelona, Spain.

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Soledad De Esteban-Trivigno

Nov 28, 2017, 3:44:07 PM11/28/17
Dear colleagues,

Transmitting Science is offering a new course: “Introduction to Photogrammetry and Laser Scan”, which will be held in Barcelona province from May 21st to 25th, 2018.

Instructors: Dr. Heinrich Mallison (Leibniz Institute for Research on Evolution and Biodiversity,Germany), Dr. Josep Fortuny (Institut Català de Paleontologia M. C., Spain) and Sergio Llácer (Institut Català de Paleontologia M. C ., Spain).

This course is addressed to researchers and technicians who routinely work with complex biological structures (specimens) and need to digitise their samples for different reasons, such as digital preservation, quantitative or biomechanics analyses, etc.

The goal of this course is to explain how you can obtain 3D virtual models from surfaces, using different techniques as laser imaging but mainly photogrammetry. These techniques and technologies offer the possibility to obtain 3D models of the external morphology of the samples including colour and texture of a wide size range of specimens with medium - low cost and fast approaches.

By the end of the course participants should be able to obtain high quality digitalization of samples with the most commonly used techniques.

They will also be able to edit and manipulate the digital models to prepare them for use in typical analytical software.

More information and registration:

With best regards


Soledad De Esteban-Trivigno,PhD.
Scientific Director
Transmitting Science

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