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PhD Studentship Dnp-enhanced Nmr Studies of Cellular Membrane Disruption Induced By Abeta40 Peptides.

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Ema Shollenberger

2019年2月20日 14:01:392019/2/20
We are looking for a motivated PhD candidate interested in biophysical applications of magnetic resonance spectroscopy. This position is suitable for students with background in Physics, Chemistry or other related fields.

Aggregates of amyloid-beta peptides have been proposed to play role in causing Alzheimer’s disease, however, their mechanism of action is not clearly understood. In this project, carried out in collaboration with SUNY Binghamton (USA), we focus on the process of cell membrane disruption by amyloid-beta and study its details using advanced nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques. One of such techniques is the dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) allowing the NMR signals to be increased by a large factor. University of Nottingham is hosting a modern DNP-enhanced solid-state NMR Facility (unique in the UK) funded by a grant of 2.5 M from EPSRC.

For instructions on how to apply, please refer to:
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