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New generation "vaccine" with 3D-printing

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Henri Lentonen

Sep 3, 2018, 12:32:38 PM9/3/18
I am very about of open source science. Seriously. Thats why I dont apply patents, but publish free so everyone can benefit.

How come, when the whole ecosystem is collapsing: including human gut microbes, that money is made and not science to benefit all?

Corruption in this case, simply means: the original idea has been distorded.

Thats why I released my invention of new generation "vaccine".

Its "vaccine" since it does not fool the human immune system, but fools the virus.

As the virus is launched, it is connected to receptor in cell. As we 3D-print these fake receptor pieces and inject them into bloodstream: most of viruses become harmless, as they launch the system not inside the cell but outside the cell.

It might come, that we dont have to print the whole receptor: but just a piece of that, so the virus would be fooled to launch itself.

Also material used must contain hydrogen, as one part of the receptor intake is connected to electricity. Therefore, metal alloy used in this would have to be contained in hydrogen atmosphere, which would also increase the costs.

Nevertheless, the idea itself is simple and should be tested if it works.

You have to read the whole explanation including materials that maybe can be used in this, here in finnish:

Here is the most important link of to be considered:
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