CIBB 2021 - Call for papers

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Aug 27, 2021, 9:30:27 AM8/27/21
Dear friends and colleagues,

Please find below the call for papers for the CIBB 2021 conference
(the 17th International Conference on Computational Intelligence
Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics).

-- Davide Chicco

=== CIBB 2021 -- the 17th International Conference on Computational
Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics ===

The main goal of the CIBB international conference is to provide a
multi-disciplinary forum open to researchers interested in the
application of computational intelligence, in a broad sense, to open
problems in bioinformatics, computational biology, biostatistics,
systems and synthetic biology and medical informatics. Cutting-edge
methodologies capable of accelerating life science discoveries will be
the main focus of the conference, together with data mining
technologies applied to real-life scenarios in biology and health.
Following its tradition and roots, this year's meeting will gather
researchers and practitioners from the international scientific
community interested in advancements and future perspectives in
bioinformatics and biostatistics. Also, looking at current trends and
future opportunities at the edge of computer and life sciences, the
application of computational intelligence to system and synthetic
biology, and the consequent impact on innovative medicine will be of
great interest for the participants. Theoretical and experimental
biologists are also invited to participate in order to present novel
challenges and foster multidisciplinary collaboration.

The scientific program of CIBB 2021 will include keynote speakers,
tutorials and special sessions. Contributed papers will be presented
in plenary oral sessions, and special sessions. The CIBB 2021
conference will be an online event.
This call for papers invites researchers to submit a short paper (4-6
pages) that will go through a peer review and, if accepted, will be
presented at the conference.
After the conference, the authors of all the accepted short papers
will be invited to submit an extended version of their manuscript for
the conference proceedings book in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) or for a journal supplement in BMC Bioinformatics or
BMC Medical Informatics.

Please check the official CIBB 2021 website for additional information:

Topics of interest include:
Machine learning methods for bioinformatics and health informatics
Next generation sequencing bioalgorithms
Multi-omics data analysis
High dimensional statistical analysis of omics data
Algorithms for alternative splicing analysis
Algorithms for molecular evolution and phylogenetic analysis
Methods for the visualization of high dimensional complex omic data
Software tools for bioinformatics
Methods for comparative genomics
Computational tools applied to proteomics
Methods for functional classification of genes
Methods for unsupervised analysis, validation and visualization of
structures discovered in bio-molecular data
Health-Informatics and Medical Informatics
Biomedical and Microscopy Imaging
Methods for the integration of clinical and genetic data
Heterogeneous data integration and data fusion for diagnostics
Algorithms for pharmacogenomics
Biomedical text mining
Methods for diagnosis and prognosis within personalized medicine
Statistical methods for the analysis of clinical data
Prediction of secondary and tertiary protein structures
Advanced pathway enrichment analysis methods
Mass spectrometry data analysis in proteomics
Algorithms for molecular evolution and phylogenetic analysis
Bio-molecular databases and data mining
Mathematical modeling and automated reasoning on biological and
synthetic systems
Computational simulation of biological systems
Methods and advances in systems biology
Spatio-temporal analysis of synthetic and biological systems
Network systems biology
Models for cell populations and tissues
Methods for the engineering of synthetic components
Modelling and engineering of interacting synthetic and biological systems
Software tools for bioinformatics, biostatistics, systems and synthetic biology

Please check the official CIBB 2021 website for additional information:

Paper submission: 15 September 2021
Acceptance/rejection notification: 15 October 2021
Camera ready due: 30 October 2021
Conference: 15 - 17 November 2021

Submission of papers
Prospective authors should submit short papers prepared according to
the following instructions:
The short papers should be submitted in PDF format (this is the only
accepted format).
The short papers length should be at least 4 pages and should not
exceed 6 pages in total.
The short papers should be written in British English or North
American English. Please perform a grammar spell-check and correct any
typos or mistakes before the submission.
The short papers should include 10 references at most.
We warmly recommend the use of the provided templates available for
LaTeX (preferred), LibreOffice Writer, and Microsoft Word. The LaTeX
template is also available for free on
Short papers should adhere, as much as appropriate, to the following
structure and sections:
Scientific background
Data and methods
References (maximum 10)
The submission website will be available soon on EasyChair.

The PDF versions of accepted short papers will be distributed at the
conference. At least one author of an accepted paper is required to
register and present the paper at the conference.
The authors of all the accepted short papers (both of the main track
and of the special sessions) will be invited to submit an extended
version of their work to the post-conference monograph or supplements.
We plan to invite all the papers for a volume in the Springer series
of Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI), or to a supplement of an
international scientific journal (such as BMC Bioinformatics and BMC
Medical Informatics, as in the latest editions). Please see the past
editions webpage to find the books of the proceedings and supplements
of the past editions of the conference to get a sense of them.

Keynote speakers
Karsten Borgwardt (ETH Zurich)
Ombretta Melaiu (Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù)
André M. Carrington (Ottawa Hospital and Region Imaging Associates)
Jacques Balayla (McGill University)

Special sessions
Artificial intelligence and statistical methods for neurodegenerative diseases
Modeling and simulation methods for computational biology and systems medicine
Bio-inspired AI and AI-inspired (bio)chemical intelligence: a viable
two-way path?
Towards standardizing machine learning in life sciences: the FAIR
principles and the DOME recommendations
Machine learning in healthcare informatics and medical biology

Please check the official CIBB 2021 website for additional information:

You can contact the CIBB 2021 organizers at:

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