Dear BioHackathon 2023 participants,
With BioHackathon just around the corner, it's time to start preparing your self-introduction slides! We will use these slides in the workshop on June 25th (Sun). This will allow everyone to understand your background and interests, which can foster better collaboration during the event.
We've prepared a template for you to use here:
* A nice photo of yourself
* Your field of study or work, and skills or areas of expertise
* Any message you'd like to share with others
Creating an introductory slide is a great way for us to get to know each other before we meet in Shodoshima. We look forward to learning more about you!
This will be the last Advent email from us before BioHackathon 2023. We are very excited to meet all of you soon. Please travel safely to the venue.
Best regards,
BioHackathon 2023 Organizers