[apologies for cross posting]
The 8th Biomedical Linked Annotation Hackathon (BLAH8)
- Biomedical Annotations in the Age of LLMs
15 - 19 January, 2024
Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan
https://blah8.linkedannotation.org/KEYNOTE SPEAKERS
- Lawrence Hunter - University of Colorado
- Martin Krallinger - Barcelona Supercomputing Center
We invite submission of project proposals from those who are interested in contributing biomedical literature annotation with their literature annotation resources, and expertise, particularly this year with a connection to LLMs. We invite projects which can be accomplished during the hackathon.
- Submission due of project proposals : 20 Oct., 2023
Those who submit project proposals are eligible to apply for travel support. See the homepage for detailed information.
Immediately after BLAH8, participants will be invited to submit papers to either of the two venues:
- Genomics & Informatics : an open access journal, which is indexed by PubMed. All the papers of the journal will be immediately included in the PMC open access subset.
- BioHackrxiv : a preprint server, which is powered by OSF preprints and indexed by EuropeanPMC.
**Please refer to the homepage for more detailed information:
https://blah8.linkedannotation.org/PROGRAM COMMITTEE
- Jin-Dong Kim (DBCLS, ROIS-DS)
- Fabio Rinaldi (IDSIA)
- Lars Juhl Jensen (Univ. Copenhagen)
- Zhiyong Lu (NCBI, NLM)