We would like to warmly invite you to submit your recent work to the 2025 edition of the Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Health Care and Life Sciences conference (SWAT4HCLS 2025) which will be held in Barcelona, Spain from the 24th to the 27th of February 2025.
SWAT4HCLS will publish work in the form of papers, posters, and demonstrations on original research, data, semantic models, and application experiences. As a guide, please consider the topics of interest.
Submission link: https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/76142/submitter
Topics of interestTopics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
Using semantic and web technologies for Health Care and Life Sciences- Examples and recent advances from bioimaging, agriculture, food science, biodiversity, molecular biology, translational and personalised medicine, drug development, specific diseases (rare, undiagnosed, infectious, oncology).
- Examples of querying, validation, visualisation, federated analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, knowledge graphs, using FAIR data, use of personal health data, clinical intelligence from electronic health records.
- Demonstrations of repurposing tools, including previously published Semantic Web tools.
- Demonstration of trans-disciplinary collaboration and citizen science.
Semantic web methods and tools for Healthcare and Life Sciences- Explainable AI, neural symbolic reasoning, knowledge-driven machine learning and data mining, Large Language models, NLP and text mining.
- Interoperability of knowledge representation (e.g. GBIF, OMOP, FHIR, GA4GH, OBO foundry, mapping standards), ontologies, rules.
- Data stewardship, provenance, trust and reproducibility, sustainability, adoption (including failures!), data publishing.
- FAIR-based federated architecture, semantic workflow technologies, person-centric and privacy preserving infrastructure.
Types of SubmissionThe following types of submissions for SWAT4HCLS 2025 are invited:
Long papers (up to 10 pages without counting references):
- Research papers – Original research on a topic of interest to the SWAT4HCLS audience.
- In-use papers – Data and/or application/tool descriptions addressing a topic of interest to the SWAT4HCLS audience.
Short papers (up to 5 pages):
- Position papers, application notes, discovery notes, use-cases of Semantic Web applications and tools.
Posters and Demonstrations (up to 2 pages):
- Ongoing work, exciting preliminary results, updates to “in-use” data and applications/tools.
- Working demonstrations of new, revived or updated tools (even if previously published).
Tutorials (up to 5 pages):
- Tutorial proposals must include title, acronym (if applicable), abstract, responsible tutors and/or facilitators (including affiliation), audience and required skills, links to previous versions of this tutorial (if applicable), maximum number of participants, preferred duration (tutorials will run for half a day, 3-4 hours, including coffee break).
- Please be aware that at least one facilitator must attend on-site.
Important Dates (AOE Timezone):
Tutorial submission
27th October 2024
Full paper submission
17th November 2024
Posters and demos submission
12th December 2024
Tutorial acceptance notification
18th November 2024
Notification of acceptance for papers, posters and demos
17th January 2025For some common questions, please consult our submission FAQ page: https://www.swat4ls.org/workshops/barcelona2025/call-for-papers/submission-faq/
Instructions for AuthorsAccepted submissions will be part of the proceedings of the CEUR conference proceedings and will be publicly available under CC-by 4.0 license.
- All submissions must be in English and submitted in PDF using the one-column variant of CEURART style.
- Submissions for long papers (including negative results) must be a maximum of ten pages.
- Submissions for short papers and position papers must be a maximum of five pages.
- Submissions for demonstrations, posters, data, models, and applications must be a maximum of two pages.
- Submissions for tutorials should be a maximum of five pages.
- Contributions will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the Scientific Program Committee.
- While poster submission will be part of the proceedings, the actual graphical posters will be published in PUBLISSO FRL under CC-by and will get its own DOI