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Looking for bioinformatician in Japan.

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Tore Eriksson

Dec 18, 2022, 7:57:16 AM12/18/22
to BioHackathon

I'd just like to let you know that I'm looking for someone to join my bioinformatics group at Taisho Pharmaceutical, a medium-size pharma company in Saitama, just north of Tokyo. We are primarily looking for someone who speaks Japanese, but if you are a really good match I could try to persuade our personnel department, so please don't hesitate to get in touch.

As we are a (all too) small group, you will have very varied tasks, covering server maintenance and web development as well as analysis of internal and public data. I would welcome someone who is interested in delving into basic biology, since I believe a deep understanding of the current knowledge is a prerequisite for coming up with ideas for new drugs. In addition, as human genetics and single-cell data is a great source of information not found in the scientific literature, experience in analyzing such data would also be much appreciated.

If you are interested you can apply through the link below, but please don't hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions. I'll accept enquiries in English, Japanese, Swedish, and similar languages.

Tore Eriksson
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