Hi Kiyoko-san,
The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is an initiative that started about 10 years ago already. It basically aims at bringing together researchers and data science professionals, to share data across technologies, disciplines, and locations to ultimately support society. RDA has been supporting the construction of various infrastructures and community activities to reduce barriers to adopt (new) technologies thru standards, policies and data sharing solutions in diverse areas to overcome challenges such as reproducibility, metadata, interoperability, sustainability, etc.
RDA is open to anybody, you can join individually or as an organisation. It think there are about 10000 members currently (to check).
RDA has promoted the creation of working groups (WG) and interest groups (IG). You can join any relevant to your work. I am for instance part of the Agricultural Data interest group, agrisemantics working group, metadata, GO FAIR, and others. I think Cyril is part of the same streams. He can also provide his view.
RDA has been of quite help to my work in:
- connecting me to other people working on the same issues
- accessing interesting documentation , drafts of potential standards, etc
- keeping me up to date on the latest developments
- RDA recommendations : very interesting stuff!
RDA typically organises conferences in various continents, they are pretty intense events with lots of parallel sessions…I attended several of them, I recall I went to one of them in Tokyo some years ago (2016) as they noticed there was no sufficient representation from Japan. they call those events: plenary sessions…
Regarding the link I shared, I think it is a great opportunity especially for the researches active in multi omics metadata standards definition. I would recommend to contact the person who launched that call (I dont know him). Also, I would strongly recommend having a look at the other WGs or IGs.