Hello everyone
I am relatively new to BioGeoBEARS, but already excited with all the possibilities and flexibility of the package!
I have been able to go through the examples, and also run simple analyses with my own data, and now I am trying to run a stratified analysis. I have been able to load the time periods and run the analysis, but the results are quite unexpected. Only by virtue of loading the time periods and using section_the_tree (and without loading additional distance matrices, etc), the results are quite different from the unconstrained analysis. Not only that, some of the estimates are seemingly wrong: even though the model does not include a J free parameter, some of the estimates are going e.g. from area M to area L without the ancestor going through the ML state as would be expected (compare the nodes highlighted in red in the attached figures spider_stratified and spider_unconstrained).
I thought this could be something specific to my dataset, but I tried to replicate the issue with the Psychotria example data and I have similar results: the estimates are very different in the unconstrained vs. stratified analyses, even though the dispersal probabilities, areas allowed, etc. are exactly the same in both time slices (compare attached Psychotria_DEC_stratified.pdf
and Psychotria_DEC_unconstrained.pdf). I also attached the exact same inputs and script of this Psychotria analysis so you can replicate the issue.
My main question is: is this huge effect on the estimates to be expected only by introducing the time slices? And how can the stratified reconstruction give estimates that should NOT be allowed by the model (e.g. a cladogenetic A -> B transition in a model that does not have a J free parameter)?
Many thanks for any clarifications regarding this!
Best regards,
Dr. Ivan L. F. Magalhaes
Postdoctoral fellow — División Aracnología
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"
Av. Ángel Gallardo 470, C1405DJR, Buenos Aires, Argentina