Dear Professor, dear Modellers,
I am trying to estimate a mode choice model with frequencies or aggregated responses instead of individual choices in the data set.
For aggregate data I have multiplied the contribution to the loglikelihood for each alternative by the number of times it is chosen,
after the advice of Professor Bierlaire as follows:
logprob = nbr_alt_1 * bioLogLogit(V,av,1) + nbr_alt_2 * bioLogLogit(V,av,2) + … + nbr_alt_J * bioLogLogit(V,av,J)
I have also upgraded to the latest version of Pandas for Windows.
I get the error message that
name 'bioLogLogit' is not defined
or if I add in the begging of the code:
from biogeme.expressions import bioLogLogit, Beta
I get the error message
cannot import name 'bioLogLogit' from 'biogeme.expressions' (C:\...\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\biogeme\
Could you please advice me of what is the correct syntax or how to solve this?
kind regards,
Fani Hatziioannidu