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Roni Fernando Gomez Martinez

May 17, 2024, 8:30:13 PM5/17/24
to Biodiverse Users
Hi Dr. Shawn. I am using Biodiverse, but some cells overestimate the distribution of a species. I want to remove the presence of the species from this group, but retain the group and the distribution in the rest of the groups.

If I use “delete” it removes the entire distribution of the species, can I edit the groups from Biodiverse, if so, how can I do it?

I attach an image, in this case I would like to delete the presence of Poeciliopsis turrubarensis and keep the group with Pseudopoecilia fria.

I hope you can help me, I send you greetings.


Shawn Laffan

May 19, 2024, 8:09:57 PM5/19/24
to, Roni Fernando Gomez Martinez
Hello Roni,

Currently the system can delete whole groups or labels.  It cannot delete a subset of labels from specific groups. 

The options at the moment are to do one of:

1.  Edit the input data so the distributions do not extend so far.  Then import the edited data.

2.  Export the data from Biodiverse to a format you can edit (Basedata -> Export groups), delete the records you no longer want, and then re-import them.  Depending on what you prefer, the delimited text or shapefile formats would work here.

As an additional point, it is possible to remove groups and labels based on a range of criteria by using the Run Exclusions tool from the Basedata menu.  This will not help with your current issue but is worth knowing nonetheless.


On 18/05/2024 10:27, Roni Fernando Gomez Martinez wrote:

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