Alternative Version of R Ecology lesson

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Jul 11, 2023, 6:19:35 AM7/11/23
to bioconductor-teaching
Dear all, 

I just wanted to bring to your attention that the Carpentries are beta-testing a new version of their "Data Analysis and Visualization in R for Ecologists" lesson, which was the starting point for our R/Bioconductor intro lesson. See here [1] for the announcment. The new lesson is available here [2].

The biggest change is that they move straight to ggplot after the R/RStudio intro, to demonstrate some of the most important capabilities early on. In addition, if feels like things have been lightened up quite a bit. 

It is great to bring a big aha moment early on in the lesson.I'm not suggesting we should change ours, but I'm certainly interested in hearing from the community's experience when teaching this version.  

Best wishes,


Drnevich, Jenny

Jul 11, 2023, 2:55:55 PM7/11/23
to, bioconductor-teaching

Interesting – as of now it looks like they have completely removed the spreadsheet lesson. I’ve always been on the fence about that one – while it is super important to know everything it goes over, it isn’t R.


And I am coming around to the idea of quickly getting to the “aha” to get people more interested in learning all the nitty-gritty details.



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