Workshop setup

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Jan 11, 2022, 7:53:10 AM1/11/22
to bioconductor-teaching
Dear all, 

The workshop page is up and running: 

The output you see it automatically generated based on a configuration file, where you specify whether it's a data carpentry (dc), software carpentry (swc), ecology based on R (r-ecology), ... I have created a new category (bioc-intro), and we will also need ones for bioc-rnaseq and bioc-project later.

@Francois and @Toby - would this/these new category/ies at some point need to be contributed upstreams (i.e., or should we manage our own bioc workshop templates repo?

Regarding the CoC: both the Carpentries and Bioconductor have one? It seems a bit odd to have another (i.e. not Bioc) CoC when a workshop is tagged on a Bioc conference. Should we have a programmatic tag for on and the other or just opt for a single one?

More specific questions for Francois and Toby:

- Do we need the pre/post workshop surveys?
- After transferring the incubator course (to the Carpentries Github org, I assume) will the links to incubator repo automatically redirect to the new location?
- Do we need to register the workshop with the Carpentries?
- Should we set the incubator tag - what does it do/mean?

Best wishes,


Jan 11, 2022, 7:54:26 AM1/11/22
to bioconductor-teaching
And I forgot: I will ask for the workshop repo to be transferred to the Bioconductor Github organisation.

Jan 11, 2022, 8:59:13 AM1/11/22
to bioconductor-teaching

Drnevich, Jenny

Jan 11, 2022, 9:25:13 AM1/11/22
to, bioconductor-teaching

Hi Laurent,


Looks like I am able to directly edit I made one small test commit of trying to fix a wrongly indented bullet point. Is it alright if I do direct edits for typos, small format fixes, etc? I would fork and submit pull requests for anything more substantial than that.


I will using this for our intro R course March 23-25, so I look forward to hearing how your course goes and whatever feedback you get on how to improve it.




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Laurent Gatto

Jan 11, 2022, 9:31:36 AM1/11/22
to bioconductor-teaching
Yes, of course, thank you.

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