biocommons kickoff meeting

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Reece Hart

Apr 11, 2023, 10:27:42 PM4/11/23
Dear Colleagues-

At long last, I'm ready to kickoff regular meetings of biocommons developers and users. Thank you for your patience.

If you're receiving this email, then you should have also received a Doodle poll a few minutes ago to help select our first meeting. Please respond to that poll by Friday evening.

The tentative agenda for the first meeting includes:
  • New website (not yet pushed) and governance highlights.
  • Discussion of meeting scope and cadence
  • Preview of projects, and process for suggesting others
  • Proposed biocommons hackathon in SF before or after the GA4GH Plenary meeting (i.e., apx Sep 16-23)
This meeting is open to all.

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