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Re: Submit to Become a FASEB Journal Early-Career Editorial Board Member Today!

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Sep 18, 2023, 8:31:02 AM9/18/23
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Help Shape the Future of The FASEB Journal


Are you or someone you know interested in joining The FASEB Journal Early-Career Editorial Board? If so, there's still time to submit your nomination for the journal's editorial board! Nominations are due by September 30


The FASEB Journal is expanding its editorial board to purposefully include early-career researchers in a central and engaged role in the journal. Editorial board members will serve as content experts, peer reviewers, and advisors. This is an opportunity to gain editorial experience and contribute to the advancement of scientific research. 


Don't miss this unique opportunity to make a significant contribution to the scientific community and help shape the future of The FASEB Journal.  

Find out the eligibility requirements and other details here and submit a nomination today!

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