and hope we can at least briefly hear if there is a biochar aspect to this apparently serious conflict between two potential biochar user-groups.
Briefly, this article talks about a major argument over the word “organic”. As relates to hydroponics and aquaponics (H/A). No mention of biochar.
We interested in biochar don’t hear much about this argument - but biochar can be used in both of these competing ag fields. My guess is that biochar used in H/A improves in quality - and then can be more valuable in “conventional” (land-based) organic farming. The H/A people might be able to improve economics considerably if they are serving a biochar-improvement process. This would say we should encourage H/A, at least when it is using biochar.
On the other hand, if H/A doesn’t use and encourage biochar, maybe we should be on the side of “conventional” organic farming - if it uses biochar.
Or maybe this all too speculative - and biochar should not try to be supportive of, or argue against, either side.
Of course, we probably agree that neither side in this “organic” argument are using enough biochar.