scale_fill_manual ignored in gheatmap

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Feb 27, 2024, 9:38:04 AMFeb 27
to ggtree
Thank you for the great package. After plotting a tree in which I used scale_fill_manual for coloring node support, I tried to add a heatmap with geografic data. I cannot change the default colours of scale_fill_manual in the gheatmap plotting. 

 #import tree
ifla.tree <- read.iqtree("ifla_o_dicistro_trim.fasta.treefile")
#extract metadata and clean it
ifla.metadata <- tibble(as_tibble(ifla.tree)) %>%
  mutate(metadata = label) %>%
  separate(metadata, c("accession","taxon","host","continent"), sep = "-") %>%
  select(label,accession,taxon,host,continent) %>%
  replace(, "outgroup")

ifla.metadata <- ifla.metadata[c(1:49),]
ifla.metadata$taxon <- gsub("_", " ", ifla.metadata$taxon)

#integrate metadata in tree object
ifla.tibble <- as_tibble(ifla.tree)
ifla.tree <- full_join(ifla.tibble, ifla.metadata, by = "label") %>%
#drop outgroup tip
ifla.tree <- drop.tip(ifla.tree, "NC003005-Taura_syndrome_virus-outgroup")

#color vectors
#colors for host groups
ifla.cols <- c(Arachnida = "purple4", bats = "brown", bats_Diptera = "mediumorchid1",
               Crustacea = "salmon1", Diptera = "lightblue", Hemiptera = "steelblue1",
               Hymenoptera = "steelblue4", Lepidoptera = "royalblue1", Orthoptera = "darkblue")

#extract distribution info
ifla.continent <- data.frame("continent" = ifla.metadata[, c("continent")])
rownames(ifla.continent) <- ifla.metadata$label

# colors for distribution
ifla.continent.cols <- c(Asia="grey30",Africa="violet",Europe="dodgerblue3",'Central America'="coral", 'South America'="blue",'North America'="firebrick4", Australia="darkslateblue", Cosmopolitan = "seagreen")

#plot tree
ifla.phylo <- ggtree(ifla.tree, aes(color = host), linewidth = 2) +
   geom_tiplab(aes(label = taxon), color = "black",size = 6, align = T, linesize = .5) +
  geom_point2(aes(subset=!isTip, fill = cut(UFboot, c(0, 70, 85, 100))),
              shape = 21, size = 5) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("black", "grey", "white"), guide='legend',
                    name='Bootstrap Support (%)',
                    breaks=c('(85,100]', '(70,85]', '(0,70]'),
                    labels=c("85-100","70-85", "44-70")) +
  geom_treescale(x=.1, y=9, fontsize = 8, linesize = 1.2) + 
  geom_cladelab(node = 50, label = "Dicistroviridae", 
                align = F, vjust = 1.5, fontsize = 6, barsize = 0) +
  scale_color_manual(values = ifla.cols) +
  coord_cartesian(clip = "off") +
  theme(plot.margin = margin(1,7,1,1, "cm"),
        legend.position = c(.1,.75),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 16),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 16, face = 2),
        legend.key.width = unit(1, "cm"),
        legend.key.height = unit(1, "cm")) +
  guides(color = guide_legend(order = 1))

#collapse outgroup clade
ifla.phylo <- scaleClade(ifla.phylo, 50, .3)%>%
  collapse(50, 'min') 

I get the Iflavirus1 plot. Then,

#plot continent info as heatmap annotation
ifla.phylo2 <- ifla.phylo + new_scale_fill()
gheatmap(ifla.phylo2, data = ifla.continent, offset = 1.5, width = .04, font.size = 6,
                       colnames = F,  "Geographic distribution") +
  new_scale_fill() +
  scale_fill_manual(values = ifla.continent.cols)

and I get Iflavirus_hm

Q1. How can I control the color fill in gheatmap? I tried viridis and RcolorBrewer, I tried to use scale_color_manual for the node support shape=16 instead of 21, nothing works.

Q2. How can I remove the circles in the Host legend keys? (keep only lines)

Thanks a lot in advance, it's a great package!
Alex Tomazatosiflavirus1.pngiflavirus_hm.png

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