UK Ontology Network (UKON) 2018 - Last Call for Participation [Deadline: 16th April, 2018]

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Goksel Misirli

Apr 13, 2018, 10:51:58 AM4/13/18
to Goksel Misirli
[Please ignore this message if you are already registered for UKON 2018.]

The Sixth UK Ontology Network meeting (#ukon2018) will take place on Monday
April 30th, 2018 at Keele University, Keele, Staffordshire. The aims of
this meeting are as follows:

  To enable dissemination of ontology and related forms of knowledge representation 
  relevant work from across multiple disciplines

  To encourage collaboration and cooperation between different members of UK
  organisations working in this area

  To help establish a research agenda in ontology and better communication
  with funding councils and industry needs

The full programme is now available, and we have a fascinating series of
talks, with demo and poster sessions. The meeting will also offer plenty of
opportunities for networking.

Registration for UKON 2018 is now available. Please register before 16th of
April, using the link below:

Best wishes, and we look forward to seeing you in Keele.

Dr Goksel Misirli & Dr Allison Gardner (Keele University)
Dr Phillip Lord & Dr Jennifer Warrender (Newcastle University)
Dr James Malone (FactBio)
Prof. Robert Stevens (Manchester University)

UKON 2018 Organisers
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