Virtuoso updated to version 7.2.4

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Ted Thibodeau Jr

May 4, 2016, 4:42:42 PM5/4/16
We're pleased to announce that Virtuoso 7.2.4 is now available,
and includes various enhancements and bug fixes. Significantly
updated areas include the main Virtuoso Engine; SPARQL
functionality; JDBC, Jena, and Sesame providers and functionality;
the Faceted Browser; the Conductor; WebDAV functionality; and
the DBpedia VAD.

New product features as of April 25, 2016, v7.2.4, include:

* Virtuoso Engine
- Added "obvious" index choice
- Added new bif http_redirect_from for getting initial path from
internal redirect

- Added missing default privilege grants to SPARQL_UPDATE
role account
- Added optimizations covering property paths with complementary
and/or repeating paths
- Added min/max for iri id
- Added new HTML output option to DESCRIBE and CONSTRUCT queries,
that uses <script>...</script> to include RDF-based Structured
Data Islands
- Added support for CVS output in RFC4180 format
- Added support for skipping UTF-8 BOM marks in Turtle and
JSON lexers
- Added more support for SPARQL-FED to 3rd party services that
handles language exceptions and other idiosyncracies
- Added new debug option to /sparql page

* Jena & Sesame
- Added Sesame 4 provider
- Added Jena 3 provider
- Added support for Sesame 2.8.x
- Added Jena example for using Inference and Ontology Model with
Jena provider

* JDBC Driver
- Added support for JDK 1.8 and JDBC 4.2
- Added support for Connection.setCatalog()

* Faceted Browser
- Added link-out icons
- Added more link-out relations

* Conductor
- Added validation for sequence number value
- Added start and expiration dates for CA functionality
- Added new option to disable scheduled job

- Small optimization for update triggers of WS.WS.SYS_DAV_RES

* DBpedia
- Implemented new fluid skin design for DBpedia /page based on
the Bootstrap Framework

More details of the additions, fixes, and other changes in this
update of both Open Source and Commercial Editions, may be found
here --


Additional Information:

* Virtuoso Commercial Edition

- Home Page

- Download Page

* Virtuoso Open Source Edition

- Development Branch

- Stable Branch

Please enjoy!

A: Yes.
| Q: Are you sure?
| | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
| | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

Ted Thibodeau, Jr. // voice +1-781-273-0900 x32
Senior Support & Evangelism //
OpenLink Software, Inc. //
10 Burlington Mall Road, Suite 265, Burlington MA 01803
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