Reminder: UK Ontology Network (UKON) 2018 - Call for contributions [Deadline: 2nd March 2018]

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Goksel Misirli

Feb 5, 2018, 10:32:59 AM2/5/18
to bio2rdf

UKON 2018


Deadline for submissions: 2nd March, 2018
Deadline for notifications: 16th March, 2018
Workshop day: 30th April, 2018 


The UK Ontology Network is a meeting now in its sixth year. Its aim is to enable the sharing of knowledge about ontologies, vocabularies and any other mechanisms for organising, searching and sharing of knowledge.


We aim to encourage participation from many different sectors: academic, public and private. Therefore, we have a light-weight submission process, and do not ask for formal publications. The meeting itself is friendly and informal, with plenty of opportunities for networking.


This year, the meeting will be hosted by Keele University, Staffordshire, UK.


We invite contributions in all the relevant domains including, but not limited to:

·         Geographic Information

·         Social Media

·         Traditional Media

·         Health and Biology

·         Finance

·         Security

·         Governmental Data


Applications may include, but not limited to:

·         Knowledge graphs

·         Ontology curation & annotation

·         Data publishing

·         Data integration


We invite short abstracts for talks, demos and posters. The abstracts should be around 300 words. The main review criteria are the relevance and balance across the topics of interest to the UKON community. Please submit using the following link:


In addition, if you want to display a poster during the poster session, please get in touch with the local organisers.


Although this is a UK-centric network, we encourage participation from those in Europe and across the world.


A small registration fee (£35) will be charged to cover catering.



Best wishes


UKON 2018 organisers

Dr Goksel Misirli & Dr Allison Gardner (Keele University)

Dr Phillip Lord & Dr Jennifer Warrender (Newcastle University)

Dr James Malone (FactBio)

Prof. Robert Stevens (Manchester University)

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