His Secret Obsession Review (WARNING!)✋Don’t Buy Without Seeing This

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Vidly Engager

Jan 3, 2024, 6:18:15 AMJan 3
to Billionaire Brain Wave

His Secret Obsession Book Review - An In-Depth Look at James Bauer's Relationship Program:

Relationships can be complicated. As a woman, it can often feel like you are speaking a different language than your man. You may find yourself wondering what he is thinking and what he truly wants from your relationship.

That's where His Secret Obsession comes in. Developed by relationship expert James Bauer, this program aims to help women crack the code to a man's heart and unlock his undying devotion.

In this comprehensive His Secret Obsession review, we'll take an in-depth look at what's inside this popular relationship guide, who it's for, and most importantly - whether it's worth your time and money.

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What is "His Secret Obsession" all about?

His Secret Obsession is a digital program that teaches you how to trigger a man's "hero instinct", the biological drive in him to feel irreplaceable, to step up and commit to you and only you.

It's based on over 12 years worth of research and experience that James Bauer has amassed by working as a relationship coach. He found that the "hero instinct" is the biggest factor that influences a man's desire to commit.

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By learning how to trigger this instinct, James claims you can make any man devoted to you and only you, even if he has been distant and cold in the past.

The main focus is on learning and utilizing "secret signals" - innocent phrases that you can use to flip on a man's hero instinct without him even noticing.

Here is a quick overview of what you get inside His Secret Obsession:

  • The main 200+ page His Secret Obsession eBook

  • An audio version of the eBook

  • The Hero Instinct Phrases Guide

  • Why Men Shut Women Out + How To Fix It

  • How to Use Text Messages to Make Him Obsessed

  • Why Men Say They're "Fine" - And What It Means

The program is delivered digitally and doesn't require you to wait for anything to arrive in the mail. This means you can get instant access as soon as you complete your purchase.

His Secret Obsession is currently priced at $47 and comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked.

Who is James Bauer and Why Should You Listen to His Advice?

Before we dive into the specifics of His Secret Obsession, it's important to learn a bit more about the creator, James Bauer. That way you can better evaluate if his relationship advice is worth following.

James didn't start out as a relationship expert. He studied psychology at university and eventually obtained his master's degree.

Shortly after graduating, he started doing counseling work at a community health clinic. This is where he started specializing in relationship dynamics between men and women.

Over 12 years of working with both individuals and couples, James began noticing certain patterns and discovered principles that could explain the inner workings of intimate relationships.

Some key events over James' career that make him worth listening to:

  • He's coached thousands of women on improving their relationships. Many of his clients credit him with saving their marriage or relationship.

  • Featured on major media outlets like The Herald Sun and Chicago Tribune for his relationship advice.

  • Background in psychology with a master's degree, giving him a scientific understanding of relationships.

  • 12+ years of experience working hands on with couples and individuals to improve their dating and love lives.

James Bauer is not a random self-proclaimed "expert" - he is someone who has put in the work to actually help women understand men on a deeper level.

This background gives him a level of credibility you won't find in most relationship programs online these days. When James talks about the inner working of the male mind, he knows what he is talking about.

What's Included in His Secret Obsession?

Now let's take a look under the hood and see everything that's included inside His Secret Obsession:

The Main eBook

The core of the program is the 200+ page main eBook, also available in audio format.

It's broken down into two main sections:

Part 1: How the Hero Instinct Works

The first part focuses on teaching you about the hero instinct, why it's so important, and how you can use it to trigger feelings of love and devotion in a man.

Some key chapters:

  • The Hero Instinct Phrases - Get an initial introduction to how you can use certain phrases to activate the hero instinct. This prepares you for later in the book when you learn specific phrases.

  • The Mind of The Modern Man - Understand how the male mind works when it comes to relationships and why the hero instinct is so powerful in tapping into a man's deepest desires.

  • The 12 Words That Trigger Love - Learn an important 12 word text message you can send to immediately capture a man's undivided attention.

Part 2: Using Secret Signals

This is the real meat of the program, where James teaches you specific phrases, texts, and "secret signals" to trigger the hero instinct and make a man devoted to you.

Some of the secret signal titles give you an idea of what's inside:

  • The Glimpse Phrase

  • The Damsel in Distress Signal

  • The Private Island Signal

  • The X-Ray Question

  • The "I Own You" Signal

Each signal comes with a detailed explanation of why it works so well, exact examples of what to say, and instructions on using it in real-life situations with a man.

Why Men Shut Women Out + How To Fix It:

This is a mini standalone guide that expands on one of the main concepts from the Hero Instinct.

It shows you the top reasons a man will "shut down" and stop opening up to you, as well as exactly what to do and say to get him to open up again.

Very practical advice here that you can apply immediately.

How to Use Text Messages to Make Him Obsessed:

Texting is used as an example frequently in the main eBook when talking about the secret signals.

This guide takes things a step further by showing you how to harness the power of texting to capture a man's undivided attention and flood his mind with thoughts of you.

It focuses on word-for-word example texts, exactly when to use them for maximum impact, and common texting mistakes to avoid at all costs.

Why Men Say They're "Fine" - And What It Means:

This quick guide reveals the real meaning behind why men say they're fine when you ask them what's wrong. It also shows you how to get him to open up when he makes this statement.

Understanding this is important because a man saying he's fine when he's not is very common in relationships and can be frustrating for women.

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Who Should Get His Secret Obsession?

Here are the main types of women who can benefit tremendously from James Bauer's relationship advice:

  • Women whose man has become distant - if he's stopped paying attention, stopped texting as much, or just doesn't seem as interested in general, the hero instinct can help tremendously.

  • Those whose man won't commit - struggle with getting him to take the next steps? The secret signals James teaches reframe how he sees you in his life and make him feel it would be a mistake to not commit to you.

  • Women in stagnant or stale relationships - if you feel like you are in a rut and the spark has faded, this program can inject new life into your relationship by making you an emotional priority in his mind.

  • Those who have tried everything else - if you have read relationship book after relationship book and are left thinking "now what?", His Secret Obsession offers a fresh perspective many women say they have never heard before.

  • Women who want to feel truly loved and valued - this program isn't about manipulation, it's about getting a man to love you and see you as a crucial part of his life in a genuine way. If that's what you want out of your relationship, this program can help make it happen.

The common thread is that His Secret Obsession can help in situations where getting a man's love, attention and commitment is proving difficult right now.

Even if he seems completely cold and distant, James promises that his techniques can dramatically turn things around - even in the most seemingly hopeless situations.

While geared towards women in relationships, even single women can benefit from learning these skills for when they do find the right man.

Inside Look at Some of the Main "Secret Signals" and Techniques

The core premise of His Secret Obsession is using "secret signals" to trigger a man's hero instinct and capture his heart.

Let's take a look at 5 of the main signals revealed in the program:

1. The Glimpse Phrase

The Glimpse Phrase gives a man a taste of the "real you" in a way that leaves him wanting more.

James calls this phrase "Intriguing Signal" and it works by making him view you as the one woman who truly "gets him" while also being a bit of a mystery he is trying to uncover.

Some examples:

  • "I'm not usually this feisty with guys I just met. You must bring out this playful side of me!"

  • "I don't know what it is, but I can be myself around you."

Using this phrase builds attraction and makes him feel like he can open up around you without judgment.

2. The "I Owe You" Signal

On the surface this phrase simply conveys gratitude, but it means so much more to a man.

Telling a man "I owe you" or "I owe you one" taps into his natural desire to feel irreplaceable.

It's incredibly flattering to him when you make him feel like he's the one man who can offer you something or protect you in a way no one else can.

Some examples uses:

  • After he kills a spider for you: "Omg thank you, I owe you one!"

  • When he gives you great relationship advice: "I owe you big time for this!"

Men love hearing this from women when they feel like they have contributed something unique to your life.

3. The Damsel in Distress Signal

This signal taps into a man's innate desire to protect a woman and be her hero.

You activate it by making him feel like you need his help, advice, or protection.

Some examples:

  • "I have no idea which one to choose, can I get a guy's perspective?"

  • "All these noises at night are freaking me out, can you stay on the phone with me until I fall asleep?"

This makes him feel trusted and needed, and he'll step up to be your protector.

4. The Private Island Signal

This clever signal makes a man see you as "the one" and feel like he'd be losing the best thing that ever happened to him if he lost you.

You do this by subtly inserting the phrase "you are the only one who..." or "you are the only person who..." into your communication with him. For example:

  • "You are the only person who truly listens to me."

  • "You're the only one who can make me laugh like that."

This makes him feel like you two share something incredibly rare and special.

5. The Ex-Back Signal

If your relationship with a man has ended, The Ex-Back Signal is designed to tap into your ex's emotional mind and get him to reconsider breaking up with you.

It's a 12 word text you can send that frames the breakup from a mature perspective and makes him see you are moving forward.

Here's the text:

"I accept that you don't want me in your life anymore. I wish things could have been different but I understand."

This signal has an almost gravitational power over an ex boyfriend and makes him painfully aware of what he stands to lose if he doesn't get you back.

These are just a few examples of the secret signals contained in His Secret Obsession. There are many more that are equally as effective.

And James doesn't just teach you generic phrases either - he shows you how to tailor your use of these signals to your specific situation for maximum impact.

What Are Real Users Saying About His Secret Obsession?

James Bauer put a lot of time and research into developing the concepts and phrases contained in His Secret Obsession. But does this program get results for real women?

Here are some encouraging testimonials from women who have used His Secret Obsession:

Rosa from San Diego says:

"It's only been a few weeks since I started using the signals James teaches, but my boyfriend is already so much more attentive. He now makes real efforts to connect and open up with me and I can tell his feelings for me are deepening. This stuff works exactly like James says it will."

Natalie from Detroit shares:

"I was skeptical when my friend told me about His Secret Obsession and how it could fix my failing marriage. But I am blown away by what is happening. My husband hasn't acted like this since we were newlyweds. Who knew the key to his heart was so simple."

Jamie from Sacramento remarks:

"I recommend this program to ALL of my friends who are dating. It gives you an amazing advantage over other women. When you use James' techniques, it's like you almost have a superpower over men! You can make them feel things for you they won't feel for other women."

Based on many similar reviews, it's clear this program has helped numerous women improve their love lives by igniting the hero instinct in their man.

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Does His Secret Obsession Really Work Or Is It A Scam?

The next logical question becomes - is His Secret Obsession legit or is it just a scam?

Here are some key points that prove this program is the real deal:

  • Used by thousands of real women with amazing success stories posted online

  • Active for years - His Secret Obsession first launched in 2017 and has helped over 100,000 women

  • Creator James Bauer is a real person and a legitimate relationship expert

  • The program has a 60 day money back guarantee so you can get a full refund if it does not meet your expectations

  • His Secret Obsession is NOT a manipulative program - it simply teaches you how men think and what they crave in a relationship

So based on the evidence, His Secret Obsession is not a scam and is a legitimate relationship program created by real experts.

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Pros and Cons of His Secret Obsession

Let's summarize the main pros and cons of the His Secret Obsession program:


  • Helps you tap into a man's deepest relationship desires using the hero instinct concept

  • Can work even if your man has pulled away or seems distant

  • Teaches word-for-word phrases, texts, and signals you can use to trigger his emotional side

  • The program was created by legitimate relationship experts (not random unknown people)

  • Easy to understand and implement practical advice, not theoretical

  • Comes with a 60-day money back guarantee


  • No physical version available, only digital format

  • Requires some effort on your part to see results - no "quick fixes"

Overall, the pros far outweigh the few cons of this program. For most women, the biggest con will simply be taking the time to go through the program and properly apply what is taught.

Is His Secret Obsession Worth Buying?

So, is James Bauer's relationship program worth buying?

Our verdict is an unequivocal YES.

If you are a woman looking to improve your love life and want science-based techniques that work in the real world, His Secret Obsession is one of the best relationship programs available today.

The insights into the male mindset and actionable tactics make this program stand out from the crowd. While no program can guarantee success, you'll be hard pressed to find better relationship advice with real credibility behind it.

At a one-time price of $47, His Secret Obsession provides incredible value at a very affordable price.

Especially when you compare it to the cost of marriage counseling or hundreds of dollars some women spend on bad relationship advice.

All in all, His Secret Obsession is a worthwhile investment if you want to dramatically improve your love life. While it requires some effort on your part, putting James Bauer's techniques to use can quite literally change your love life forever.

How to Access His Secret Obsession and Lock In the Lowest Price

If you want to gain access to His Secret Obsession right now, the process is simple and secure.

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Here are the steps to purchase:

  1. Click this link which will take you to the official His Secret Obsession website.

  2. On the order page, select whether you want the digital eBook version or the audio version.

  3. Enter your payment details to complete checkout. Your credit card statement will show a charge by "Clicksbank."

  4. Once your order is accepted, you'll gain immediate access to the His Secret Obsession program material.

That's all there is to it - the entire process takes just a couple minutes and you don't have to wait for anything to ship.

The current price is $47, which is discounted from the original price of $197.

This is an excellent deal considering you receive lifetime access to the program plus any new updates James releases in the future.

If you aren't satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you are protected by a 60-day money-back guarantee when ordering through the official website.

Just email James Bauer's customer support via https://hissecretobsession.com/ and they will refund your $47, no questions asked.

Should You Buy His Secret Obsession on Amazon or Other Retail Sites?

His Secret Obsession is only sold through the official website and is not available on Amazon, eBay, or other retail platforms.

James Bauer has chosen to only offer it through his site so he can maintain quality control and provide great customer service.

This is good for customers since it avoids people reselling pirated copies or getting counterfeit versions from third-party sites.

Some key things to keep in mind:

  • You will NOT find His Secret Obsession on Amazon or any big box retailer. Avoid these listings as they are not legitimate.

  • The only way to access the program and guarantee you receive all the bonuses is through the official https://hissecretobsession.com website.

  • Beware His Secret Obsession scams - some sites claim to offer discounted copies but this is just a ploy to steal your credit card information. James only sells at one price, currently $47.

Your best bet is to get it directly from the source. This guarantees discretion, security, access to bonus materials, and excellent customer service.

How His Secret Obsession Compares to Other Relationship Programs

There are certainly no shortage of relationship programs and dating advice out there for women. So how does His Secret Obsession stack up against the competition?

Here is a brief comparison to some other top products:

  • The Devotion System - This program by Amy North focuses more heavily on using psychological tactics to make a man addicted to you. His Secret Obsession instead triggers emotional desires men already have through the hero instinct.

  • Text Chemistry - While it teaches text messages to attract men, Text Chemistry is more centered around chemistry styles and personality types. His Secret Obsession's texts are based on the science of the hero instinct.

  • What Men Secretly Want - This is also from James Bauer and is designed to appeal to a man's emotional needs, but does not focus specifically on the hero instinct concept found in His Secret Obsession.

  • Save The Marriage - This program by Lee Baucom aims to repair marriages. His Secret Obsession focuses on improving relationships before they reach the marriage crisis point.

The main advantage of His Secret Obsession is the unique focus on the hero instinct and how to use it effectively through signals. No other major relationship program has tapped into this powerful concept.

His Secret Obsession Review: Final Thoughts

Developing a strong, intimate relationship with your dream guy doesn't have to be difficult - if you understand the inner workings of the male mind.

His Secret Obsession provides that missing insight into how men think and what drives their emotional desires.

By framing your interactions through the lens of the "hero instinct", you can powerfully influence his feelings and get the relationship you've always wanted.

This program isn't about manipulation or playing games. It simply gives you the tools to tap into natural psychological drives men already have.

If you want to stop wasting time on the wrong men or improve your current relationship, His Secret Obsession may be exactly what you need.

The affordable price, generous guarantee, and proven effectiveness of the tactics make this an easy recommendation.

You deserve to experience the kind of love and devotion most women can only dream about. With the power of His Secret Obsession, that dream can quickly become a reality.

Take advantage of the special discounted price today and unlock the secrets to connecting deeply with your man on an emotional level.

Questions Asked About His Secret Obsession eBook

What exactly is the Hero Instinct?

The Hero Instinct is a concept developed by James Bauer that refers to a man's innate psychological drive to feel needed, to serve, and to protect. According to James, triggering this instinct in a man will make him devoted and committed to you and only you. It makes him see you as his top priority.

How is His Secret Obsession different from other relationship programs?

His Secret Obsession is very different from other relationship guides because it focuses specifically on tapping into the hero instinct. No other major program has built tactics around this psychological trigger in men. The hero instinct is a unique yet provenly effective angle.

What are the "Secret Signals" mentioned in His Secret Obsession?

The Secret Signals are innocent phrases, texts, and small actions James teaches you that activate the hero instinct in a man. James has discovered Secret Signals such as the Glimpse Phrase, the I Owe You Signal, the Private Island Signal, and the Damsel in Distress Signal that spark deep attraction and devotion in a man.

Does His Secret Obsession work or is it a scam?

His Secret Obsession is not a scam. It was created by real relationship experts and has already helped thousands of women improve their love lives dramatically. It is not manipulative but simply teaches you how a man's mind works. The program has a 60-day money-back guarantee as well.

How quickly can I expect to see results using this program?

How quickly you see results depends on your specific situation. Many women experience immediate changes in their man's attentiveness, affection, and engagement after using just a few of the Secret Signals. However, it's important to have realistic expectations since every relationship is unique.

How do I access the His Secret Obsession program?

You can only access His Secret Obsession through the official website. It's not sold on Amazon or any other retail platform. This is to avoid pirated copies and to ensure you receive all bonus materials. You can purchase it via the official site for the discounted price of $47.

What happens after I order His Secret Obsession?

Once you complete your purchase, you gain immediate access to download the PDF and audio versions of the program. This material provides you with lifelong access to His Secret Obsession. You'll also receive emails with additional advice and tips from James Bauer himself to help you succeed.

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