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May 15th Organizational Meeting

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May 6, 2010, 12:19:31 PM5/6/10
to League of Bicycling Voters LA
You're invited to its first organizational meeting of the League of
Bicycling Voters Los Angles, at 10:30 am on Saturday, May 15th, in
room 1347 on the ground floor of the UCLA Law School building..

This meeting will start the process of transforming the League into a
fully functioning political organization, including the election of a
board and officers, forming committees and writing bylaws. Anyone who
bikes and is eligible to votes in the County of Los Angeles is
encouraged to attend.

The Law School is located on the East Side of Campus, adjacent to
Hillgard Ave. If you're coming towards campus on Westwood Blvd, turn
right on Le Conte, then left at Tiverton Drive to enter the campus. Go
past the Botanical Garden on your right and the Dentistry School on
your left, then turn right into Charles E Young Drive. You'll pass
Parking Structure 2 (contributing it’s share to UCLA’s total of 22,000
car parking spaces), followed by Faculty Center and Murphy Hall on
your right, placing you at the core of the campus. You'll see Royce
Hall on your left, and Law School will be on your right. (It's easier
than it sounds.)

As an alternative, take Hilgard Ave north from Westwood Blvd (Hilgard
is one block above Wishire Blvd), or south from Sunset Blvd. Then turn
into campus at Wyton Drive, and left onto Circle Drive E to the Law

Room 1347 is accessible from the courtyard between Dodd Hall and the
Law School. Free bicycle parking is marked on the map below; car
parking is expensive. UCLA is also served by the Metro and Santa
Monica bus systems.

Thanks to Dr. Michael Cahn for creating the map:


May 6, 2010, 11:42:17 PM5/6/10
to League of Bicycling Voters LA
I'd really love to make it to the meeting, but that's the same time as
the LACBC Sharrows Bike Count/Survey (11am-1pm) Saturday shift. Any
chance it might run past 1pm? I'm going to be in Westwood for the
count/survey anyway.

> Thanks to Dr. Michael Cahn for creating the map:


May 6, 2010, 11:52:47 PM5/6/10
We only have the room until 1 pm, so the meeting will be over by then.
However, it's always possible some of us may go for coffee/food/beer
afterwards, so maybe you could join up then. And we some of us will be
there by 10 am to get the room ready and great early arrivers, so you
could come early before you have to leave for the count.


Bryan Beretta

May 7, 2010, 2:21:20 AM5/7/10
I'd really like to attend but I thought it was later in the day and need to figure out a scheduling conflict. I enjoyed the workshop at the Street Summit and am looking forward to being a part of this.

I just looked for a Facebook event to link to and saw there isn't one. It may be a good idea to create one as the group there has over twice the amount of members as this list and it would really help get the word out.



May 7, 2010, 12:18:13 PM5/7/10
to League of Bicycling Voters LA
Thanks for the reminder Bryan. I'm not really a Facebook person, but I
just added an event notice to the LOBVLA Facebook page.

I hope you can work out the conflict — we'd love to see you there. If
not, we'll figure out a way to keep everyone who can't attend involved
in the process.


On May 6, 11:21 pm, Bryan Beretta <> wrote:
> I'd really like to attend but I thought it was later in the day and need to
> figure out a scheduling conflict. I enjoyed the workshop at the Street
> Summit and am looking forward to being a part of this.
> I just looked for a Facebook event to link to and saw there isn't one. It
> may be a good idea to create one as the group there has over twice the
> amount of members as this list and it would really help get the word out.
> Bryan
> >

Dan Mick

May 14, 2010, 10:49:13 PM5/14/10
>> > Room 1347 is accessible from the courtyard between Dodd Hall and the
>> > Law School. Free bicycle parking is marked on the map below; car
>> > parking is expensive. UCLA is also served by the Metro and Santa
>> > Monica bus systems.

Is "free bicycle parking" just "racks, bring your own locks and trust
that they're secure in Land of College Students"? I'd love to avoid
car parking but I'd also love to keep my ride.


May 14, 2010, 11:28:12 PM5/14/10
I rode over to UCLA and checked out the bike racks the other day; they look like the standard inverted U-racks made from heavy gauge piping. It looks about at secure as anything, depending on how good your lock is.

UCLA also has bike lockers. Looking at the website, it looks like there's a couple not far from the law school; use appears to be free after paying a $5.95 annual fee.

Here's the link to the UCLA bike locker page in case the embedded links don't come through:



May 15, 2010, 1:52:07 AM5/15/10
to League of Bicycling Voters LA
I'll be there in spirit but I cannot make it there in body. Weekends
are tough for me --there's always so much to cram into two days.

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