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Meet the Candidates, Social Mixer for talking Bikes

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Cynthia Rose

Oct 5, 2010, 4:32:21 AM10/5/10
I would like to invite you to our event "Meet the Candidates".  Info and invite atached, also posted at  

Look forward to seeing you
Cynthia Rose

is hosting an informal
Meet the Candidates,
Social Mixer

Thursday October 7,  6.30pm 8:45pm*
Informal Meet and Greet and Social Mixer with Santa Monica City Council
We want your comments and ideas... Lets TALK BIKES!
Converse with the candidates, hear thier thoughts on Santa Monica
It's a no speeches, up close talk with City Council Candidates about Bikes and Santa Monica.

 Current list of Attendees: 
Kevin McKeown,
Terry O’Day, Bob Holbrook
Jon MannDavid GanezerSusan HartleyJerry Rubin
Pam O’Connor (out of town)
Gleam Davis (back to school night)
Robert Kronovert (out of town)

Location, date & Time: 
Thursday, October 7th from 6:30 to 8:45pm
502 Colorado, (south east corner 5th and Colorado)
click here to RSVP
*Snacks and refreshments will be served
Plenty of secure bike parking in the enclosed Patio.

And please, make sure all our friends in the community know about this and are coming
Look for Updates on this event at:

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better place to live, bike, walk, work and play.
Santa Monica, California 90404

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