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Minutes of May 15 Organizational Meeting

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May 20, 2010, 10:11:20 PM5/20/10
to League of Bicycling Voters LA

Minutes from the First Meeting of the League of Bicycling Voters Los
Taken by Carter Rubin

Meeting commenced at 11:30AM


-Group introductions; Ted Rogers acted as meeting facilitator

-Independent Congressional candidate Benjamin DeGroot addresses the

-Vote to accept simple majority for adoption of a motion - passed

-Adopt Roberts Rules of Order – passed

-Motion to Adopt preliminary agenda – passed

-Motion to adopt “League of Bicycling Voters Los Angeles” – passed;
agreed to abbreviate the name as LBVLA

-Motion to proceed to incorporate as a 501c4 – passed

-Motion to have Ted Rogers contact an attorney who volunteered to
assist with incorporation process – passed

-Discussion of membership requirements, and the possibility of
collecting dues
-Ted emphatic on one person one vote
-Patrick: consult other groups for best practices
-501c4 status helps distinguish us from other advocacy groups in LA

-Motion to defer issue of dues to relevant committee – passed
-discussed need to keep base dues low to encourage membership

-Discussion and consideration of adoption of the Acting Mission
Statement – passed

Mission Statement:
The League of Bicycling Voters LA promotes active transportation
issues in the political arena by supporting
candidates, lobbying legislators, and educating voters in order
to create a safe and welcoming environment for
bicyclists in LA.

-Motions were made and adopted to select a steering committee and
committee chair persons to serve in place of a board of directors and
elected officers until formal elections can be held at the next

Steering Committee:
Carter Rubin
Marco Leal
Anya van Leeuwen
George Wolfberg
Eric Bruins
Patrick Pascal
Michael Cahn
Ted Rogers
Dan Mick
Josef Bray-Ali
James Haygood

Committee chairs selected from the members of the Steering Committee:
Bylaws – George Wolfberg
Communications – Anya van Leeuwen
Political Outreach – Carter Rubin
Technology – Dan Mick
Policy – Eric Bruins
Fund Raising – Josef Bray-Ali
Nominations and Elections – Ted Rogers
Membership – Patrick Pascal

In addition, Patrick volunteered to look into dues paid at similar non-
profits organizations, and Josef will work with Dan to develop a
secure online meeting and voting system to minimize the need for
onsite meetings.

-Motion to co-sponsor a campaign to increase penalties for hit-and-run
– passed

-Decided to elect officers at the next board meeting, to be held at a
date to be determined in the second half of June

-Outreach and Policy Committees to review upcoming ballot measures

Meeting adjourned at 1:30PM


May 29, 2010, 5:26:00 AM5/29/10
to League of Bicycling Voters LA
I just posted the four images I took during the meeting:
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