Time for new release?

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Magnus Runesson

Jan 27, 2016, 12:18:30 PM1/27/16
to bijection

I want to use bijection in a project using docker and Hadoop. To describe my problemt short and simple. I run into the limitation of docker that filenames cannot be longer than 242 characters and when Hadoop unpack bijection the limit is hit. I see that it is recently fixed in master.

Is there a plan for a new release in the near future?

Until then, are snapshots builds available anywhere? Did not found it on maven-central.

/Magnus, Spotify

P. Oscar Boykin

Jan 27, 2016, 3:09:11 PM1/27/16
to Magnus Runesson, bijection
There is a plan and a fix merged:

We plan to publish a new version very soon (this week, I hope).

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