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Intel’s BigDL on Databricks

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Linbo Jin

Feb 9, 2017, 8:32:35 PM2/9/17
to BigDL User Group

Maurice Nsabimana

Nov 12, 2017, 9:39:49 PM11/12/17
to BigDL User Group
Hi Linbo:

This is a great (scala) tutorial, thank you! Are you aware of similar examples in Python, specifically using BigDL (version 0.2.0) in Python on Databricks?

I am able to import from the PyPi library but get the following error upon calling init_engine() in a databricks notebook with the PyPi version attached:
    'JavaPackage' object is not callable

I first tried to manually load a precompiled JAR file, without success. Thank you!

Best wishes,


Yiheng Wang

Nov 12, 2017, 10:01:06 PM11/12/17
to Maurice Nsabimana, BigDL User Group
Hi Maurice

There's a bigdl python tutorial repo on github.

Does it meet your requirement?


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Maurice Nsabimana

Nov 12, 2017, 10:15:58 PM11/12/17
to BigDL User Group
Thank you for your prompt reply, Yiheng.

I am familiar with those tutorials, which were very useful. My main question is about using BigDL on Databricks in Python, hence my question on this particular thread.

Are you aware of similar examples in Python, specifically using BigDL (version 0.2.0) in Python on Databricks? Thank you.



On Sunday, November 12, 2017 at 10:01:06 PM UTC-5, yihengw wrote:
Hi Maurice

There's a bigdl python tutorial repo on github.

Does it meet your requirement?

On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 10:39 AM, Maurice Nsabimana <> wrote:
Hi Linbo:

This is a great (scala) tutorial, thank you! Are you aware of similar examples in Python, specifically using BigDL (version 0.2.0) in Python on Databricks?

I am able to import from the PyPi library but get the following error upon calling init_engine() in a databricks notebook with the PyPi version attached:
    'JavaPackage' object is not callable

I first tried to manually load a precompiled JAR file, without success. Thank you!

Best wishes,


On Thursday, February 9, 2017 at 8:32:35 PM UTC-5, Linbo Jin wrote:

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Yiheng Wang

Nov 13, 2017, 2:15:01 AM11/13/17
to Maurice Nsabimana, BigDL User Group
Dear Maurice

Unfortunately, I'm not aware.. :-(


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Mohammed Elhmadany

Aug 30, 2022, 8:22:05 PM8/30/22
to User Group for BigDL
 Hi Maurice,

did you solve this error?

 I have the same situation when loading openvino model 
" est = Estimator.from_openvino(model_path='/databricks/driver/my_model.xml') "
 I followed the installation steps provided in the tutorial  ( ) and I get this error message related to the java library doesn't import in a correct way as I think


Installing BigDL Python libraries DLLiB and Orca  wheel package and DLLib jar package

so kindly any advice.

Aug 30, 2022, 9:24:15 PM8/30/22
to User Group for BigDL

From you screenshots, I suppose you are missing the jar for Orca. Both jars and whls for DLlib and Orca are needed. You can add the jar and the error should be resolved.

Feel free to tell us if you have further questions.


Mohammed Elhmadany

Sep 1, 2022, 5:30:22 PM9/1/22
to User Group for BigDL
Hi  Kai
thank you for your guidance and support
yes, now I added the Orca  jar file with the same  timestamp for the same Spark version, and the java error was resolved as I think  but now I have another error message

"  Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o951.initEngine.   : Can't parser master local[*, 4]

--> the Installed BigDL  package whls & jars

here is my notebook with the error message for your review and suggestions:

Sep 2, 2022, 7:22:01 AM9/2/22
to User Group for BigDL
Hi Mohammed,

The default master for local on Databricks is local[*, 4], which is not recognized by BigDL.
You can change the master to local[*] or local[4] in advanced options to resolve this issue. See the following figure:

Untitled picture.png

Feel free to tell us if you have further questions.


Mohammed Elhmadany

Sep 2, 2022, 9:56:10 AM9/2/22
to User Group for BigDL
Hi  Kai
thank you very much now working fine.


Mohammed Elhmadany

Nov 5, 2022, 7:44:04 PM11/5/22
to User Group for BigDL
Hi  Kai,
now I try to run my model on databricks cluster multiple nodes say 1 worker with 4 cores and my spark cluster configurations are as follows:-

spark.hadoop.mapred.max.split.size 100               #ref:
spark.serializer org.apache.spark.serializer.JavaSerializer true 
spark.sql.files.openCostInBytes 100  
spark.executor.cores 4 
spark.driver.maxResultSize 10g 
spark.default.parallelis 4 
spark.cores.max 8 
spark.sql.adaptive.enabled false 
spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes 200 
spark.default.parallelism 4 
spark.driver.cores 4 

my issue now is one core only is used while applying any action on my spark data frame I read from storage in Azure Data Lake Storage and my container has 320 images with a total size of about 7 MB  I tried all possible configurations that I found as mentioned in the above but unfortunately, I am unable to achieve full parallelism or full utilization of my cluster cores only one task is active using only one core and that leading to take more time. on the other hand, while I was working on local mode (only one node cluster) I observed spark use all cores available and the number of tasks =4 when the driver is configured by 4 cores.

so kindly any advice. 


Xin Qiu

Nov 6, 2022, 9:24:05 PM11/6/22
to User Group for BigDL
Hi, mohammed
If you are using 1 worker with 4 cores, the  spark.cores.max 8  should be 4.
The active tasks is dynamic number, it dependens on the stages of job. You had better compare the same stage between local and cluster mode, in the Stage page. It will should you how many tasks are running in the same time.



Mar 18, 2024, 7:12:26 PM3/18/24
to User Group for BigDL
Hello Everyone, 
I am a Masters student from India, trying to get familiar to BigDL , I am using Databricks Community edition . I am getting same error , that is "TypeError: 'JavaPackage' object is not callable"  when I run "init_nncontext()".
Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 5.05.43 PM.png I have tried multiple ways of installing bigDL in databricks , and i am getting same error . In this scenario I have installed from pypi as i am working in python.
Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 5.08.05 PM.png

can you guys please help me out here ?
I am trying to get through this since many days but didnt got lucky!!!!

Xin Qiu

Mar 18, 2024, 8:43:03 PM3/18/24
to User Group for BigDL
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