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Make a prediction from spark image data frame on Openvino Estimator

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Mohammed Elhmadany

Jun 24, 2022, 2:05:56 PM6/24/22
to User Group for BigDL
Hi Team, 

I want to do inference for the images from the spark data frame after applying preprocessing steps that are required but I am stuck in the prediction step and I do not how to deal with it so kindly any advice. 

My model takes a 3d array with shape(3,550,550) and I am able to make a prediction successfully by converting the output tensor from the preprocessing with its length (907500) into a 3d array using the NumPy package does not spark task and the result was fine but I want to infer from the data frame because I have a large scale of images and I want to do preprocessing in a distributed manner. At the same time, I can not do prediction using a data frame as mentioned, in addition, I tried to convert to a 3d array in a data frame but also failed to obtain the result. so is this the correct way to do inference from the spark data frame?
my data frame schema and output error in case columns preprocessed flatten list and list of 3 lists are as follows

Chen Yita

Jun 27, 2022, 10:14:58 PM6/27/22
to User Group for BigDL
Hi Elhm,

I will test it based on your provided information and provide you with a resnet example.

Best Regards,

Chen Yita

Jun 28, 2022, 6:18:06 AM6/28/22
to User Group for BigDL
Hi Elhm,

Actually, the schema of the ImageArray in your df is correct, see the following resnet example with random input:
I failed to reproduce the error you encountered, could you please tell me the line in orca that throws this error, for example:

../../../../../src/bigdl/orca/learn/openvino/ in predict
    return convert_predict_rdd_to_dataframe(data, result_rdd)
../../../../../src/bigdl/orca/learn/ in convert_predict_rdd_to_dataframe
    type = data: data[1]).first()

Also, you can try orca xshards:

import numpy as np

from import SparkXShards
from bigdl.orca.learn.openvino import Estimator
from bigdl.orca import init_orca_context, OrcaContext

sc = init_orca_context(cores=10, memory="16g", conf={"spark.driver.maxResultSize": "5g"})
spark = OrcaContext.get_spark_session()

model_path = "/d1/model/openvino2020_resnet50/resnet_v1_50.xml"
est = Estimator.from_openvino(model_path=model_path)

rdd = sc.range(0, 2048, numSlices=10)
df = x: [x, np.random.rand(150528).tolist()]).toDF(["index", "input"])

batch_size = 200

def to_shards(iter):
    cnt = 0
    index_list = []
    input_list = []
    for row in iter:
        input_list.append(np.array(row["input"]).reshape([3, 224, 224]))
        cnt += 1
        if cnt == 200:
            yield {"index": index_list, "x": np.array(input_list)}
            cnt = 0
            index_list = []
            input_list = []
    if len(index_list) > 0:
        yield {"index": index_list, "x": np.array(input_list)}

shards = SparkXShards(df.rdd.mapPartitions(lambda iter: to_shards(iter)))
result_shards = est.predict(shards, batch_size=batch_size)
result_c = result_shards.collect()

Best Regards,

Mohammed Elhmadany

Jul 1, 2022, 1:59:07 PM7/1/22
to User Group for BigDL
Dear  Yita, thanks for reply 

I followed your provided example method and applied that on prediction using two different input formats one is a spark data frame and the other is a NumPy array of images when I test my model in prediction on spark data frame input I get this error message and I don't understand how to solve or which parameter should I need to pay attention here is the error 

 on the second input format (NumPy array of images )   that worked fine, but I could only test on  25 images data.  I test my code on local and on a standalone cluster mode in addition whatever the memory executor configured value the limit of memory value for execution will be 342 MB. and I am not able to process more than 25 images. here is my spark ui
with 5GB driver memory configured. here as in following image  all available memory storage  is 2.7 GB (coming from a memory executor that is configured 5 GB *0.6 *0.9= 2.7 it's okay ) but the usage memory is only 342 MB after that value my spark session being crashed and I did not know why this specific value!

Here is my notebook for more clarifications if I  initiated my spark context in the wrong way or need to add some configurations.


Chen Yita

Jul 4, 2022, 3:58:06 AM7/4/22
to User Group for BigDL
Hi Elhm,

1. Spark DataFrame as input
This error is caused by the number of data in the partition does not match the number of results. I suggest you print some information in the OpenVINO estimator:
print("elem_num", elem_num)
print("infer_result_len", len(infer_request.output_blobs[outputs[0]].buffer))
print("output_len", len(infer_request.output_blobs[outputs[0]].buffer[:elem_num]))
截屏2022-07-04 15.36.39.png

2. The memory issue on numpy ndarray
Could you please share your OpenVINO model .xml and .bin files (if possible, such as the untrained model) so that I can reproduce this error  on our spark cluster.

3. SparkXShards as input
I encountered this error when memory=2g. I solved this error by adding the memory to 5g using `sc = init_orca_context(cores=6, memory="5g")`. Resnet is used here.

Best Regards,

Mohammed Elhmadany

Aug 7, 2022, 7:58:36 PM8/7/22
to User Group for BigDL
Hi Yina
I apologize for taking so long to reply. I have just noted your suggestion about testing my model in your spark cluster, in addition, as I mentioned before about the batch size in the prediction function for spark data frame input now it is working fine with me but currently, I am stuck, I have an issue in applying any action methods like (collect, show, count ) on the output result data frame  from prediction function as demonstrated on the following image I face I get this error message  related the datatype as I understand and I don't know how to solve or deal with,  On the other hand, it's working fine and gives me the desired output result parameter when using the NumPy array as input.
so I attached here the link to the compressed file containing my notebook describing my steps and the openvino model file on google driver. for your review and testing


Thanks & best regards,

Chen Yita

Aug 8, 2022, 10:01:36 PM8/8/22
to User Group for BigDL
Hi Elhm,

1. The collect, show, count issue:
I noticed you use a multi-output model, and we don't process the multiple outputs correctly when the input is a spark dataframe. I'm sorry for the bug you met and I'll update you when we fix it. As a workaround, you can use SparkXShards here:

from bigdl.orca.learn.utils import dataframe_to_xshards
shards, _ = dataframe_to_xshards(df,
result_rdd = est.predict(shards, batch_size=4)
result_c = result_rdd.collect()

2.  The memory issue on numpy ndarray
I'll try to reproduce this issue in our cluster in the next few days.

Best Regards,

Mohammed Elhmadany

Aug 9, 2022, 8:56:32 AM8/9/22
to User Group for BigDL
okay, thanks for your reply, and looking forward to your feedback.
Best Regards,

Chen Yita

Sep 21, 2022, 9:38:45 AM9/21/22
to User Group for BigDL
Hi Elhm,

I'm sorry for the late reply. 

We have fixed the spark dataframe multi-output issue in the latest version, and you can try it by installing the bigdl-orca nightly build version using `pip install --pre bigdl-orca`.
Here is an example output:


|index|               input|         tf.identity|       tf.identity_1|       tf.identity_2|       tf.identity_3|


|    0|[[[0.524009594978...|[[[0.7539101, 1.1...|[[[-0.8792659, 0....|[[[[3.1407502, 0....|[[[0.97345, 0.002...|

|    1|[[[0.410070298834...|[[[0.7540849, 1.1...|[[[-0.87942857, 0...|[[[[3.149644, 0.2...|[[[0.97356623, 0....|

|    2|[[[0.855045850696...|[[[0.7491907, 1.1...|[[[-0.8787027, 0....|[[[[3.1266716, 0....|[[[0.97360265, 0....|

|    3|[[[0.005269990329...|[[[0.74902785, 1....|[[[-0.87985, 0.14...|[[[[3.1379035, 0....|[[[0.9735233, 0.0...|

|    4|[[[0.524009594978...|[[[0.7539101, 1.1...|[[[-0.8792659, 0....|[[[[3.1407502, 0....|[[[0.97345, 0.002...|

|    5|[[[0.410070298834...|[[[0.7540849, 1.1...|[[[-0.87942857, 0...|[[[[3.149644, 0.2...|[[[0.97356623, 0....|

|    6|[[[0.855045850696...|[[[0.7491907, 1.1...|[[[-0.8787027, 0....|[[[[3.1266716, 0....|[[[0.97360265, 0....|

|    7|[[[0.005269990329...|[[[0.74902785, 1....|[[[-0.87985, 0.14...|[[[[3.1379035, 0....|[[[0.9735233, 0.0...|


However, the dataframe implementation takes more time and consumes more memory than the xShards implementation. Because the spark dataframe only supports Array[Array[...]] and the performance of ndarray.tolist() is not satisfying. And we are trying to optimize it.

I recommend you to use xShards for OpenVINO inference. You can follow the steps below: 

1. Create the SparkXShards (

You can read the image files using spark dataframe and convert it to xShards of pandas dataframe using orca.utils.to_pandas. Or you can create a spark rdd with image file paths in each partition, and create an xShards using SparkXShards(rdd), then you can use shards.transform_shard(your_func) to do file reading, preprocessing, etc.

2. Prepare xShards for the estimator.predict

Transform the xShards to each partition is a dictionary of  {'x': batched input ndarray} using shards.transform_shard(your_func)  , then feed into the estimator predict function. 

The Memory Issue you mentioned before "usage memory is only 342 MB after that value my spark session being crashed":

The storage memory in spark ui is used for storing all of the cached data, broadcast variables are also stored here. Any persist option which includes MEMORY in it, spark will store that data in this segment. Because the estimator only broadcasts the openvino models, and this 342MB is the memory used to store the broadcasted OV model, so it is always 342MB when your spark session crashed.

I tested on local with 5g driver memory, 48 images when the input is ndarray, 34 images xshards, and 54 images spark dataframe (partition number: 2, batch size 4). And on yarn cluster mode, 190 images xshards (num_nodes:2, executor_memory: 10g, driver_memory: 10g). 

I have observed the excessive memory usage issue, and I'm trying to locate and solve it.

Best Regards,

Mohammed Elhmadany

Sep 27, 2022, 6:34:09 PM9/27/22
to Chen Yita, User Group for BigDL
Hi Yina,

Thank you for your response and assistance much appreciated
I tested the inference prediction using a spark data frame and it worked fine. in addition, as you mentioned the same situation here, the data frame implementation takes more time and consumes more memory than the xShards.

For The Memory Issue :
I tested inference using 56 images xshards input on local mode spark stand-alone with driver memory 5 GB in the first trial with batch size =10  spark session crashed after 19 images processed. on the other hand with the same configuration and inputs I increased my VM ware memory to 13 GB  instead 10 GB I succeeded in processing inference for all 56 images but the memory usage was only 1.1 GB of 3.2 GB as attached image my spark UI.

My problem now is:- 
I want to need to create a big data cluster with multiple nodes for processing my data about one million images and the expected size of about 20 GB just to store the images data. After running and testing the code on my local machine (by using VMware ) the storage memory utilized on spark cluster local mode to process 56 images as mentioned at the top is founded at 1.1 GB (as the image attached from spark UI).

I intend  to create the cluster on Azure Databricks where I tested and install all the required libraries and tested on a single node and the performance monitor  the storage memory utilized on spark cluster local mode to process 16 images is founded 397 MB    (as attached image spark UI on Databricks )

So my question is How do estimate and configure my cluster on Databricks by the required capacity needed for RAM Memory and the number of cores for each node and for sure the number of cluster nodes needed to decrease the total time of execution to less than 1 second per image as an average time.
So in this situation, as I understand the total cluster memory should be more than  25000 GB  is that make sense!? but I’ve tried and I can’t figure out what I’m I appreciate any advice or guidance on how to get out.

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Chen Yita

Sep 28, 2022, 8:19:41 AM9/28/22
to User Group for BigDL
Hi Elhmadany,

The storage memory changed because the xshards will be computed and cached once it was created. It means every intermediate shards will be cached in the storage memory. You can switch off the eager mode using OrcaContext._eager_mode=False

However, the inference process uses the spark execution memory, overhead memory, off-heap and pyspark memory. So it shows only 1.1g storage memory was used when your spark session crashed.

Also, you can reduce your partition number since every partition possesses a local openvino model. 

In the previous test, I observed the excessive memory usage issue, and I'm trying to locate and solve it. I will update you if there is any progress.

Best Regards,

Mohammed Elhmadany

Dec 17, 2022, 8:24:47 AM12/17/22
to User Group for BigDL
Hi  Yina
hope you are doing well,

Are there any updates about this issue (the excessive memory usage issue that you mentioned above) or any solution I can try where in my situation on the Azure Databrics cluster I am not able to process more than 2000 images (only 50 megabytes total size and my model is openvino with the size 100 megabyte ) on the configured cluster of 6 executors with 128GB Memory and 32 cores for each node!  and I did not know exactly why is that the massive memory required in my case so I appreciate any advice or guidance on how to get out.

best regards,

Chen Yita

Dec 18, 2022, 8:56:41 PM12/18/22
to User Group for BigDL
Hi Elhm,

If you use xShards (not spark DF -> xShards) only, the estimator will not use much memory. And you can save the result into the hdfs/the executor's local disk.


Best Regards,

Chen Yita

Dec 18, 2022, 8:56:44 PM12/18/22
to User Group for BigDL
Hi Elhm,

If you use xShards (not spark DF->xShards) only, the estimator will not use much memory. And you can save the results into the hdfs/nfs/the executor's local disk.


Best Regards,

ge song

Dec 19, 2022, 12:22:25 AM12/19/22
to User Group for BigDL
Hi Elhm,

Good day!
This SONG Ge, a software engineer from BigDL team. Based on our communication before, we sincerely want to invite you to join our user partnership program! Would you like to have a conversation with us to discuss in detail the application of BigDL in your project? Our team will always provide the most efficient support with BigDL Orca (an excellent distributed machine learning library) and work with you to complete your project!

Best Regards,
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