The problem with the installation of the BBB on a virtual private server

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Krzys S

May 5, 2014, 6:19:11 PM5/5/14
please help with the installation of the BBB on a VPS .
Maybe I'll start from the beginning.
I installed several times BBB on a virtual server , but the server was placed on my laptop , I used to Oracle VirtualBox with UBUNTU 10.04 .
I never had a problem with the installation, I've always done it according to the instructions .
When I 
learned the BBB well I decided to rent a server . For starters, in order to learn to solve problems (such as this ) I rented a VPS at .
They offer UBUNTU 10.04 , as recommended instructions .
When I got access to the server , I started the installation of the BBB , but it did not go quite as well as on my local virtual server. The initial phase of the installation passed without errors. Errors occurred during the installation of the BBB ( sudo apt- get install bigbluebutton ) .
When I typed the command " sudo bbb -conf - clean ' progress stops at the line: ' Waiting for BigBlueButton to finish starting up (this april take a minute ) .. ' and never ends .
Below I enclose the output of ' sudo bbb -conf - check' , I see there a few mistakes in the ' ** Potential problems described below **' but I do not know how to solve them .
Already spent three nights trying to solve this problem, but I can not find a solution. I also tried to re- install the BBB several times.
Please help solve the problem , I would be grateful for any help .
Yours sincerely Chris .

P. S. Sorry if I made spelling mistakes :)

The output of the sudo bbb -conf - check:

BigBlueButton Server 0.81 (1554)
                    Kernel version: 2.6.32-042stab083.2
                      Distribution: Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS (64-bit)
                            Memory: 2048 MB

/var/www/bigbluebutton/client/conf/config.xml (bbb-client)
          Port test (tunnel):

/etc/nginx/sites-available/bigbluebutton (nginx)
                       server name:
                              port: 80
                    bbb-client dir: /var/www/bigbluebutton

/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/bigbluebutton/WEB-INF/classes/ (bbb-web)
                      bbb-web host:

/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/demo/bbb_api_conf.jsp (API demos)
                           api url:

/usr/share/red5/webapps/bigbluebutton/WEB-INF/red5-web.xml (red5)
                  voice conference: FreeSWITCH
                     capture video: true
                   capture desktop: true

/usr/local/bigbluebutton/core/scripts/bigbluebutton.yml (record and playback)
                     playback host:

** Potential problems described below **
# Not Running:  OpenOffice or LibreOffice OpenOffice bbb-record-core
# Unavailable Red5 logs (/usr/share/red5/log):  bigbluebutton.log sip.log video.log deskshare.log
#    /usr/share/red5/log/sip.log not found
#    /usr/share/red5/log/video.log not found
#    /usr/share/red5/log/bigbluebutton.log not found
#    /usr/share/red5/log/deskshare.log not found
# Error: /usr/share/red5/log/sip.log

#      No /usr/share/red5/log/bigbluebutton.log
# Error: Unable to connect to port 9123 (desktop sharing) on

# Warning: The API demos are installed and accessible from:
# These API demos allow anyone to access your server without authentication
# to create/manage meetings and recordings. They are for testing purposes only.
# If you are running a production system, remove them by running:
#    sudo apt-get purge bbb-demo

Fred Dixon

May 5, 2014, 7:26:32 PM5/5/14
Hi Sasha,

> BigBlueButton Server 0.81 (1554)
>                    Kernel version: 2.6.32-042stab083.2
>                      Distribution: Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS (64-bit)
>                            Memory: 2048 MB

Your server does not have enough memory to run BigBlueButton.  You need (at least) 4G of memory. See

If you try installing on a server that meets the minimum requirements and you get stuck, be sure to google first (there's an excellent chance that someone else has already encountered a similar issue).  If you can't figure it out, post to this forum and we'll help you get going.

Regards,... Fred

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Krzys S

May 6, 2014, 2:21:35 AM5/6/14
At first I thought that you are wrong . I thought to myself , I had the BBB VirtualBox where I had 1464 MB of RAM on VPS RAM I have a 2048 . It must be working.
I forgot that I had Ubuntu on VirtualBox SWAP partition . So if RAM was used , was used swap . And slowly , as slowly but it worked without problems. Tell me if I add the swap partition can help? Of course I want to run the BBB on this server for testing purposes only , with a small number of users. Ultimately, he wants to hire a powerful dedicated server.
How do I get home check the use of SWAP on ubuntu on VirtualBox . And proof, if well I think .
She came to me one more thought. Maybe Virtualny server on has some limitations. I have no knowledge on the subject . The following response to the command ulimit -a :

root @ s15768580 : ~ # ulimit -a
core file size ( blocks ,- c ) 0
data seg size ( kbytes ,- d ) unlimited
scheduling priority ( - e ) 20
file size ( blocks ,- f ) unlimited
pending signals ( - i) 16382
max locked memory ( kbytes ,- l) 64
max memory size ( kbytes ,- m) unlimited
open files ( -n ) 1024
pipe size (512 bytes ,- p) 8
POSIX message queues ( bytes ,- q) 819200
real-time priority ( -r ) 0
stack size ( kbytes ,-s ) 8192
cpu time ( seconds ,- t) unlimited
max user processes (-u ) unlimited
virtual memory ( kbytes ,- v ) unlimited
file locks ( - x ) unlimited

Please see , maybe there is a problem.
Thank you for your interest in the topic
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Krzys S

May 6, 2014, 6:16:39 AM5/6/14
It turns out that the most likely second thought is correct. I saw my server in the panel, for example, limits the maximum number of processes.
Please correct me if I'm wrong but I think this is the cause of errors BBB.
Below the screen of the server panel.

May 6, 2014, 6:39:05 AM5/6/14
Sasha,  BBB should install on a 2gb box though not recommended for production.  There is something going wrong with the install process on the parallels vm,

Looks like bunch of stuff not running or installed.
# Not Running:  OpenOffice or LibreOffice OpenOffice bbb-record-core

Do you have multiverse libraries, and is the locale correct before starting the install process, there are some specific requirements at top of install page.  Do you have the correct ports opened for bbb?

Kill this VM,  start with fresh instance  and try to install again from beginning and you will see some errors occur during install to point you in right direction.
Paste the install log and we can hlp you find the errors.

If you are reinstalling over existing installs its not going to work.

For sure, trying to setup the dev env and compiling the server on a 2gb will often fail because of memory issues,  you have to do a bbb-conf --stop before compiling to free memory needed for compilers.


Krzys S

May 6, 2014, 4:56:01 PM5/6/14
to thanks for your interest.
To be clear , I installed BBB always on a clean operating system.
OK , will do as you say , I cleaned the server , I have a clean Ubuntu 10.04, and one by one I will write what I'm doing , and finally join the results of the command that I made . Ok I started :

1 ) I see that by default, I have installed Apache on port 80 , so uninstall apache :

sudo apt -get purge apache2 *

file: apache_uninstal.txt - in the attached file

2 ) Checking local settings - cat / etc / default / locale -
answer : cat / etc / default / locale : No such file or directory
So installs :

sudo apt- get install language-pack -en
file: language_pack_en.txt

I notice the error: en_ZM.UTF -8 ... can not open locale definition file ` en_ZM ' : No such file or directory - but probably not important

sudo update -locale LANG = en_US.UTF -8

and check : cat / etc / default / locale
and I see :
# File generated by update- locale
LANG = en_US.UTF -8

Then, according to the instructions logs on again, nawer do restart the server by init 6

Next check the server version ( for sure) :
uname- m and gets : x86_64

ruby- v -> - bash : ruby : command not found

So far, the initial conditions met, except maybe hardware.
Softwer looks good .

Next , I begin proper installation :

Paste: wget -O- | sudo apt- key add - wyik file

after pasting : echo "deb bigbluebutton - lucid main" | sudo tee / etc / apt / sources.list / bigbluebutton.list

Console shows :

deb bigbluebutton - lucid main

Come check lucid multiverse :
grep "lucid multiverse " / etc / apt / sources.list

and I do not see anything so Paste:
echo "deb lucid multiverse " | sudo tee -a / etc / apt / sources.list

I check again and see :

deb lucid multiverse

Continue doing : sudo apt- get update
file: update1.txt in the accompanying

further: sudo apt- get dist -upgrade
file: dist- upgrade.txt in the accompanying

Install LibreOffice :

and the answer :
- 2014-05-06 9:49:32 p.m. -
Resolving ... , 2a00 : 1450:4001 : c02 :: 52
Connecting to | | : 80 .. connected.
HTTP request sent , awaiting response ... 200 OK
Length: 2042 ( 2.0K ) [ application / x -debian -package ]
Saving to: ` openoffice.org_1.0.4_all.deb '

100 % [ ====================================== > ] 2,042 - . -K / s in 0.006s

2014-05-06 9:49:32 p.m. (345 KB / s) - ` openoffice.org_1.0.4_all.deb 'saved [ 2042/2042 ]

sudo dpkg-i openoffice.org_1.0.4_all.deb
answer file dpkg_openoffice.txt

sudo apt- get install python -software -properties
answer file : install_python_sowtware.txt

sudo apt -add -repository ppa : libreoffice/libreoffice-4-0
answer file : add_repository_liberoff.txt

sudo apt- get update
file: update2.txt

sudo apt- get install libreoffice -common
file: install_libreoffice - common.txt

sudo apt- get install libreoffice
file: install_liberoff.txt

3 Install Ruby

dpkg -l | grep ruby
I have no ruby


sudo dpkg-i ruby1.9.2_1.9.2 - p290 - 1_amd64.deb


sudo apt- get install -f

Reading package lists ... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information ... Done
Correcting dependencies ... Done
Help Us extra packages will be installed :
libffi5 libreadline5 libyaml - 0 -2
Help Us NEW packages will be installed :
libffi5 libreadline5 libyaml - 0 -2
0 upgraded , 3 newly installed , 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded .
1 not fully installed or removed .
Need to get 222kB of archives .
After this operation , 659kB of additional disk space will be used .
Do you want to continue [ Y / n] ? s
Get 1 lucid / main libffi5 3.0.9-1 [ 19.9kB ]
Get 2 lucid / main libreadline5 5.2 - 7build1 [ 147kB ]
Get 3 lucid / main libyaml -0-2 0.1.3-1 [ 55.0kB ]
Fetched 222kB in 0s ( 2,609 kB / s)
Selecting previously deselected package libffi5 .
( Reading database ... 27657 files and directories currently installed. )
Unpacking libffi5 ( from ... / libffi5_3.0.9 - 1_amd64.deb ) ...
Selecting previously deselected package libreadline5 .
Unpacking libreadline5 ( from ... / libreadline5_5.2 - 7build1_amd64.deb ) ...
Selecting previously deselected package libyaml - 0 -2 .
Unpacking libyaml - 0 -2 ( from ... / libyaml - 0 - 2_0.1.3 - 1_amd64.deb ) ...
Setting up libffi5 ( 3.0.9-1 ) ...

Setting up libreadline5 (5.2 - 7build1 ) ...

Setting up libyaml -0-2 (0.1.3-1) ...

Setting up ruby1.9.2 ( 1.9.2 - p290 -1) ...
Processing triggers for libc -bin ...
ldconfig deferred processing now taking place

sudo update -alternatives - install / usr / bin / ruby ​​ruby / usr/bin/ruby1.9.2 500 \
- slave / usr / bin / ri ri / usr/bin/ri1.9.2 \
- slave / usr / bin / irb irb / usr/bin/irb1.9.2 \
- slave / usr / bin / erb erb / usr/bin/erb1.9.2 \
- slave / usr / bin / rdoc rdoc / usr/bin/rdoc1.9.2

and got :
update-alternatives : using / usr/bin/ruby1.9.2 To provide / usr / bin / ruby ​​(ruby ) in auto mode.

then :
sudo update -alternatives - install / usr / bin / gem gem / usr/bin/gem1.9.2 500

and the answer :
update-alternatives : using / usr/bin/gem1.9.2 To provide / usr / bin / gem ( gem ) in auto mode.

Checking ruby version : ruby- v :
ruby 1.9.2p290 ( 2011-07-09 revision 32553 ) [ x86_64 -linux ]

Versions gem : gem -v :

Installs test gem sudo gem install hello and gets :

Successfully installed hello- 0.0.1
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for hello- 0.0.1 ...
Installing RDoc documentation for hello- 0.0.1 ...

4 Install ffmpeg
I'm creating a file: install- , with appropriate permissions , the contents :

sudo apt- get install build-essential git -core checkinstall texi2html Yasmani libvorbis -dev libx11 -dev zlib1g -dev libxfixes -dev pkg -config


if [! - d " / { $ usr/local/src/libvpx- LIBVPX_VERSION } "] ; then
cd / usr / local / src
sudo git clone " libvpx - $ { LIBVPX_VERSION } "
cd " $ { libvpx - LIBVPX_VERSION } "
sudo git checkout " v $ { LIBVPX_VERSION } "
sudo . / configure
sudo make
sudo checkinstall - pkgname = libvpx - pkgversion = " $ { LIBVPX_VERSION } " - backup = no - deldoc = yes - default

if [! - d " / { $ usr/local/src/ffmpeg- FFMPEG_VERSION } "] ; then
cd / usr / local / src
sudo wget " $ { FFMPEG_VERSION } . tar.bz2 "
sudo tar - xjf " ffmpeg- $ { FFMPEG_VERSION } . tar.bz2 "
cd " ffmpeg- $ { FFMPEG_VERSION } "
sudo . / configure - enable- version3 - enable- postproc - enable- libvorbis - enable- libvpx
sudo make
sudo checkinstall - pkgname = ffmpeg - pkgversion = " 5: $ { FFMPEG_VERSION } " - backup = no - deldoc = yes - default

. / install-
and the result is what is in the file:
and warnings in the file

Checking version of ffmpeg : ffmpeg -version
and the result :

ffmpeg version 2.0.1
built on May 6 2014 10:26:21 p.m. with gcc 4.4.3 ( Ubuntu 4.4.3 - 4ubuntu5.1 )
configuration: - enable- version3 - enable- postproc - enable- libvorbis - enable- libvpx
libavutil 52 38.100 / 52 38.100
libavcodec 55 18.102 / 55 18.102
libavformat 55 12.100 / 55 12.100
libavdevice 55 3100 / 55 3100
libavfilter 3 79101 / 3 79101
libswscale 2 3100 / 2 3100
libswresample 0 17102 /0 17102

Install BigBlueButton :

sudo apt- get install bigbluebutton
the output of a file : install_bbb.txt

Install API Demos
sudo apt- get install bbb -demo
file: install_bbb_demo.txt

sudo bbb -conf - clean
file: bbb_clean.txt

and the process stops at the site :
Waiting for BigBlueButton to finish starting up (this april take a minute ): ......
and never ends

at this time in the panel VPS see what the image error.jpg

The maximal number of processes the Container april create

command: sudo bbb -conf - check
file bbb_check.txt

To conclude this long post and I think this error wine VPS server restrictions .

I ask for your opinion .


Krzys S

May 6, 2014, 4:58:01 PM5/6/14
I almost forgot, attachments ...

Fred Dixon

May 6, 2014, 8:55:52 PM5/6/14
Hi Krzys,

The maximal number of processes the Container april create

The range of what vendors provide for a VPS servers are all over the map, and some have "features" such as burst memory, which is a euphemism for we restrict the memory you can use and, under very specific circumstances (that don't apply to BigBlueButton), we'll temporarily give you more memory.  

Others, as you've seen, restrict the number of processes -- and to their credit they gave you an error message to that effect.

If you can, we would recommend you use a dedicated server for BigBlueButton.  There is no shared CPU no artificial restrictions that stand between BigBlueButton and the server.

I think if you use a dedicated server, you'll find the installation process will go *much* smoother.  

Regards,.. Fred

On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 4:58 PM, Krzys S <> wrote:
I almost forgot, attachments ...

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Krzys S

May 7, 2014, 1:38:19 AM5/7/14
Thank you very much for your help, and for showing the direction of the search for the cause of errors.
Of course, the VPS is temporary. To prepare only the front-end application.
Ultimately, the BBB will be on a dedicated server. At least the minimum requirements for the BBB, as described in the documentation.
For now dispenses with the VPS and ordering more powerful. It is 4 times more higher limits. Checking whether it will work.
I'll let you know how I went.
Thanks again for your help.

thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks a lot ...
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