BBB 2.6 cant find presentation uploaded via GreenlightV3

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Sep 5, 2023, 3:08:22 AM9/5/23
to bigbluebutton-greenlight
Greetings, nice people of the internet.

I am encountering a  strange problem with preuploaded presnetations on my BBB-Setup.

I can upload a presentation to a room via greenlightv3.
The logs seem to indicate that the file was uploaded successfully and linked to the corrrect roomm ID:

greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:02.906202 #132]  INFO -- : [3d3f498e-4b8b-4860-a87b-cf89a8415d39] method=GET path=/api/v1/rooms/sei-q40-ge3-xpt.json format=json controller=Api::V1::RoomsController action=show status=200 allocations=9861 duration=59.23 view=4.62 db=40.58 time=2023-09-04 13:36:02 UTC host=greenlight
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:03.398795 #132]  INFO -- : [2fbc1347-a21d-4fbe-873e-3409c15cd366]   Disk Storage (0.4ms) Uploaded file to key: blhr58glukmnkceteaa3u7s5dja8 (checksum: Qxn14lw7YvZ5f+n9LcASXQ==)
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:03.401682 #132]  INFO -- : [2fbc1347-a21d-4fbe-873e-3409c15cd366] [active_model_serializers] Rendered ActiveModel::Serializer::Null with Hash (0.04ms)
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:03.402096 #132]  INFO -- : [2fbc1347-a21d-4fbe-873e-3409c15cd366] method=PATCH path=/api/v1/rooms/sei-q40-ge3-xpt.json format=json controller=Api::V1::RoomsController action=update status=200 allocations=5081 duration=32.06 view=0.57 db=10.62 time=2023-09-04 13:36:03 UTC host=greenlight
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:03.458890 #132]  INFO -- : [b7337e84-4914-4eff-be8a-61fbfdc6ffcf] [active_model_serializers] Rendered CurrentRoomSerializer with ActiveModelSerializers::Adapter::Json (4.05ms)
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:03.459581 #132]  INFO -- : [b7337e84-4914-4eff-be8a-61fbfdc6ffcf] method=GET path=/api/v1/rooms/sei-q40-ge3-xpt.json format=json controller=Api::V1::RoomsController action=show status=200 allocations=2822 duration=20.29 view=4.07 db=5.51 time=2023-09-04 13:36:03 UTC host=greenlight
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:05.953406 #132]  INFO -- : [bbf21bf6-cb2b-4260-8c95-7d522f173549] [active_model_serializers] Rendered ActiveModel::Serializer::Null with Hash (0.15ms)
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:05.953847 #132]  INFO -- : [bbf21bf6-cb2b-4260-8c95-7d522f173549] method=GET path=/api/v1/env.json format=json controller=Api::V1::EnvController action=index status=200 allocations=229 duration=1.71 view=1.41 db=0.00 time=2023-09-04 13:36:05 UTC host=greenlight
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:05.960925 #132]  INFO -- : [7d926eda-4bdb-4b54-9f02-7513a827d656] [active_model_serializers] Rendered ActiveModel::Serializer::Null with Hash (0.08ms)
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:05.961270 #132]  INFO -- : [7d926eda-4bdb-4b54-9f02-7513a827d656] method=GET path=/api/v1/site_settings.json format=json controller=Api::V1::SiteSettingsController action=index status=200 allocations=3889 duration=13.48 view=0.53 db=9.00 time=2023-09-04 13:36:05 UTC host=greenlight
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:05.976257 #132]  INFO -- : [2d1e8843-4979-420b-aadd-c04a748715fd] [active_model_serializers] Rendered ActiveModel::Serializer::Null with Hash (0.09ms)
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:05.976620 #132]  INFO -- : [2d1e8843-4979-420b-aadd-c04a748715fd] method=GET path=/api/v1/site_settings.json format=json controller=Api::V1::SiteSettingsController action=index status=200 allocations=6108 duration=21.25 view=0.57 db=15.05 time=2023-09-04 13:36:05 UTC host=greenlight
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:05.985802 #132]  INFO -- : [ba284f60-58b7-4a0f-b532-0f3ee745aa03] [active_model_serializers] Rendered ActiveModel::Serializer::Null with Hash (0.08ms)
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:05.987634 #132]  INFO -- : [ba284f60-58b7-4a0f-b532-0f3ee745aa03] method=GET path=/api/v1/site_settings.json format=json controller=Api::V1::SiteSettingsController action=index status=200 allocations=4673 duration=17.41 view=1.99 db=9.26 time=2023-09-04 13:36:05 UTC host=greenlight
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:05.987046 #132]  INFO -- : [fc14697e-1eb1-4917-8998-1463cf5df0ca] [active_model_serializers] Rendered ActiveModel::Serializer::Null with Hash (0.08ms)
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:05.989480 #132]  INFO -- : [fc14697e-1eb1-4917-8998-1463cf5df0ca] method=GET path=/api/v1/site_settings.json format=json controller=Api::V1::SiteSettingsController action=index status=200 allocations=13516 duration=45.04 view=2.65 db=25.20 time=2023-09-04 13:36:05 UTC host=greenlight
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:05.992563 #132]  INFO -- : [29a971c6-a8e5-4797-aea8-95a8418d54bd] [active_model_serializers] Rendered CurrentUserSerializer with ActiveModelSerializers::Adapter::Json (29.42ms)
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:05.996039 #132]  INFO -- : [29a971c6-a8e5-4797-aea8-95a8418d54bd] method=GET path=/api/v1/sessions.json format=json controller=Api::V1::SessionsController action=index status=200 allocations=16439 duration=56.68 view=9.26 db=36.43 time=2023-09-04 13:36:05 UTC host=
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:06.006883 #132]  INFO -- : [f384fef1-2aee-46cd-9408-f8aaca8e0bc1] [active_model_serializers] Rendered CurrentRoomSerializer with ActiveModelSerializers::Adapter::Json (8.68ms)
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:06.007423 #132]  INFO -- : [f384fef1-2aee-46cd-9408-f8aaca8e0bc1] method=GET path=/api/v1/rooms/sei-q40-ge3-xpt.json format=json controller=Api::V1::RoomsController action=show status=200 allocations=10423 duration=39.06 view=4.64 db=21.63 time=2023-09-04 13:36:06 UTC host=greenlight
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:06.008978 #132]  INFO -- : [3aae956d-1745-4372-b3b9-8622a026e38a] [active_model_serializers] Rendered ActiveModel::Serializer::Null with Hash (0.08ms)
greenlight-v3    | I, [2023-09-04T13:36:06.010239 #132]  INFO -- : [3aae956d-1745-4372-b3b9-8622a026e38a] method=GET path=/api/v1/rooms_configurations/record.json format=json controller=Api::V1::RoomsConfigurationsController action=show status=200 allocations=6187 duration=26.94 view=1.56 db=14.56 time=2023-09-04 13:36:06 UTC host=greenlight

But when I try to start the corresponding room, I can see in the bbb-web.log that it tries to access the presentation file and gets a 404 returned from the nginx:

 ERROR o.b.p.PresentationUrlDownloadService - Invalid HTTP response=[404] for url=[] with meeting[3aead6392bf989429fdb0112c57583053af0e0f1-1693823077085]

I suspect that it is either a file permission problem, or something gets redirected toa wrong location.

Unfortunatly, I cant seem to find the actual upload directory (rails/active_storage)  where Greenlight is storing its stuff.

Does anyone have an idea where the preuploaded presentations SHOULD be stored, so I can check if there is a problem when accessing them directly?

Thank you in advance,



Sep 5, 2023, 3:23:31 AM9/5/23
to bigbluebutton-greenlight
I found the fix!

I was already heading in the right direction before, when I commented out the following line in " /usr/share/bigbluebutton/nginx/greenlight.nginx"

location /rails/active_storage { # return 301 /b$request_uri; }

Which you have to to if youre running greenlight under /

Turns out just commenting the "return" line isn't enough, you have to comment out or delete THE WHOLE location block.
After restarting NGINX it now works as intended.

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