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BIDA Last Dance of 2024: Family Dance, Potluck, and Regular Dance 12/1/2024

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Persis Thorndike

Nov 29, 2024, 6:34:13 PM11/29/24
to bida-volunteers
Hello all you lovely people from the snowy mountains of Ripton, Vermont,

I have been remiss in sending this notice out til so late today; I've been here in the Green Mountain National Forest with my daughter and her family for this holiday week, and life has been chaotic with two small humans. I arrived late last Sunday night to a clear sky full of the most wonderful stars. We had several inches of snow yesterday, and the kids were out playing for a very long time, coming in with soaking wet clothes. I hope your week has been as fun and slightly less chaotic than mine, with lots of good company and food.

We have our last 2024 dance on Sunday (the hall is unavailable on the 15th), complete with family dance with the BIDA Open Band and Lisa G. calling, our usual potluck, and evening dance with our own Lisa Greenleaf calling her fabulous dances to the tunes of Ice Cream Truckers (Noah Van Norstrand, Yann Falquet, and Kelsey Wells)! We should see 2024 out with a huge fun dance.

Please let me know by reply email, text or phone, which of the following shifts you can fill. 
Early early door: 5:15-6:30 pm, 1-2 people
Early door: 6:30-8 pm, 2 people,
Late door, 8-9 pm, 1 person.

In addition to dancing the rest of the night away on us, you also get a ticket for another dance later on. You are the glue that keeps our dances and our community going, and I and the rest of the Board appreciate you.



Persis L Thorndike
BIDA Board, Volunteer Coordinator

Persis Thorndike

Dec 1, 2024, 1:49:35 PM12/1/24
to bida-volunteers, Persis Thorndike
Hello, you all, 

I thought I had sent put yesterday a request for early early door people to help out with the family dance door, and also late door, but u cannot find it in my out or in boxes. 

Please let me know if you can help out at 5:15/5:30-6:30 or 8/9. 

See you tonight!


Persis L Thorndike
BIDA Board, BeanTown Stomp Committee
508-282-0089 voice & text

From: <> on behalf of Persis Thorndike <>
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2024 6:34:13 PM
To: bida-volunteers <>
Subject: [BIDA-Volunteers] BIDA Last Dance of 2024: Family Dance, Potluck, and Regular Dance 12/1/2024
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