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First BIDA Dance of the 2024-2025 Season This Sunday, September 1

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Persis Thorndike

Aug 29, 2024, 11:18:51 AM8/29/24
to bida-volunteers
Good morning, all you wonderful BIDA volunteers! 

I hope you all have had a wonderful summer. Mine included a fun train trip with my daughter and her family, to Chicago for two days (the dinosaurs at the Field Museum are so much fun to see), then on to Colorado for my Dad’s Celebration of Life (then flying home, we all felt it was time to get home), and a chantey-singing sail on Schooner Adventure out of Gloucester last weekend. 

We have a fabulous BIDA season scheduled for us all, starting this Sunday, September 1 with Annie Kidwell calling to the fabulous tunes of Calico (Jesse Ball, Casey Murray, and Eric Boodman). It should be a fabulous evening of joyous reunion after the summer.

BIDA runs on volunteers, and we cannot do this without you. Please consider picking one of the regular shifts for this Sunday (dance the rest of this dance on us, and get a ticket for a future dance), or stepping up for a Door Chaperone shift at either end of the hall when you take a break from dancing (you will get our gratitude, and that of the Masons, for making our hall safe). We have been asked to keep the doors closed to prevent vagrants if we cannot watch them at all times.

We have the following shifts to fill:
Set-up, 6:15-7 (or when done); 1-2 people
Early door, 6:30-8; 1-2 people
Late door, 8-9; 1 person

Please let me know by reply email, or text/voice at 508-282-0089, which shift you can fill on Sunday and if you can take a Door Chaperone shift during the evening.

I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday!



Persis L Thorndike
BIDA Board, Volunteer Coordinator, BTS Committee
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