Good morning, you all!
Happy day before Independance Day. We have our last dance of this season on Sunday, July 7, and are looking for volunteers for a variety of shifts. This is a mask-optional dance, with singing in the lobby from 6:10-7, and a picnic in the park 4-6:45 pm ( Former BIDA Board Member Angela DeCarlis is up from Florida and will be calling her usual fabulous dances to the music of Gus LaCasse from Maine.
We need the following shifts:
Set up, 6:15-7:30 pm; 1-2 people,
Early door, 6:30-8 pm; 1-2 people,
Late door, 8-9 pm; 1 person.
We also need people to watch the side doors thru out the dance as the masons have asked us to keep those doors closed if no one is actively watching them. We can certainly alternate open and closed if we need to, and the fans will be going regardless. I think half-hour or so shifts will allow us to have plenty of dancing and also be able to watch the doors.
Please let me know, by email, or text/phone to
508-282-0089 which shift you can commit to. I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday! This should be another fabulous dance.
Persis L Thorndike
BIDA Board, Volunteer Coordinator