BIDA Volunteers Needed for Our Special Double Dance on Sunday 5/21!

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Persis Thorndike

May 20, 2023, 1:32:16 AM5/20/23
to bida-volunteers
Hello, all you lovely BIDA Volunteers, 

If you are feeling wistful about BeanTown Stomp back in March, we’ve got an extra special double dance on Sunday! We start with an Experienced Dance followed by the return of the BIDA Potluck, followed by our regular dance, complete with lesson at 7 pm.  The experienced dance will have lots of little or no-walk-thru’s, medleys, and dances that might be more complicated that we have been seeing at our regular dance; it will be a blast! You’ll  see more intricate calls such as contra corners, diagonal hays, etc… that we don’t see a lot of during the regular dances. This will be in the afternoon 4-6:30, followed by the potluck 6:30-7:15, lesson 7-7:30, and our regular dance 7:30-10:30. Steve Zackon-Anderson will be calling his fabulous dances to the equally fabulous music of Calluna (Gus Cantieni, Eileen O’Grady, and Jesse Ball). I can’t wait! 

We are looking for the following shifts to be filled:
Set up, 3-4, 1 person,
Early early 1 door, 3:30-5, 2-3 people,
Early early 2 door, 5-6:30, 2 people,
Regular Early door, 6:30-8, 2 people,
Late door, 8-9, 1-2 people.

Please let me know which shift you can take, by reply email, text or voice to 508-282-0089. We cannot run these dances without you, and  all of us on the new board appreciate all your hard work helping to make our events so successful. 

I am hoping to make something yummy for the potluck tomorrow as rain is in the forecast, and will try to include maybe some scones for you all who can fill these shifts. My small 5-year-old grandson loves baking with me and has been helping with scones since he was not quite 2.

I am looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday, and eagerly await your replies with shift requests.



Persis L Thorndike
BIDA Board, Volunteer Coordinator
508-282-0089 text & voice

Persis Thorndike

May 20, 2023, 11:50:16 PM5/20/23
to, bida-volunteers
Thanks, you all, for everyone who has already volunteered for tomorrow's double dance. It should be a wonderful afternoon and evening of dancing and music.

We still need two-three people for early early door 1, 3:30-5, one person for early early door 2, 5-6:30, and one-two people for early door, 6:30-8 for the regular dance. 

Thanks for stepping up; please let me know which shifts you can fill, and dance the rest of the day on us.



Sent from my iPhone

Persis Thorndike 
508-282-0089 voice & text

"I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult."  --   E. B. White

On May 20, 2023, at 1:32 AM, Persis Thorndike <> wrote:

Hello, all you lovely BIDA Volunteers, 
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