Hello, all you BIDA volunteers!
I hope you've been having good summers! I just returned from a family trip to Chicago and Colorado where we had a Celebration of Life for my father who passed away in late April at the venerable age of 98. The Board had our annual retreat yesterday, and we are all looking forward to an exciting new BIDA season.
We are starting with a special Spark in the Dark Electro-Contra dance this Friday, August 16, at the Somerville Armory, 191 Highland Avenue, running from 7-midnight with two breaks for switching musicians. The lesson will run 6:40-7 and will be taught by Nate. Lisa Greenleaf will be calling her fabulous dances, with Kingfisher (Jeff Kaufman and Cecilia Vacanti) and some special guests playing electro-contra tunes. Complete with black lights and other fun lighting, and glow sticks, it should be a night to remember.
We need extra people to help with set up and strike, as the lights take more care and time. We've got the hall at 5, and I will have everything we need to set up in my car ready to be loaded in. Here are the shifts we will need to fill:
Load-in and Set-up, 5-7 pm; 3-4 people,
Early door, 6:15- 7:45 pm; 1-2 people
Middle door, 7:45 -9:15 pm; 1-2 people
Late door, 9:15-10:15 pm, 1 person (put out the donation tin after this shift)
we will all work on strike midnight-1 am.
Please let me know which shift you can pick up! I can be reached by reply email, or text/voice to
508-282-0089. In addition to dnacing the rest of the evening on us, you wil also get a ticket for. future dance of your choice.
I look forward to hearing from people, and to seeing you on Friday.
Persis L Thorndike
BIDA Board, Volunteer Coordinator, BTS Committee