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BIDA Dance This Sunday, 9/15/2024

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Persis Thorndike

Sep 12, 2024, 12:26:02 PM9/12/24
to bida-volunteers
Hello, lovely people!

We have a dance this Sunday! The smoking’ hot Stove Dragon Trio (Rose Jackson, Oliver Scanlon and Max Newman) will play tunes to Derek Kalish’s dances. This will be a MASK REQUIRED dance.

BIDA runs on volunteers, and I appreciate each of you stepping up to make our dances run as smoothly as they do. Thank you

Our new volunteer role of Outside Door Chaperones seems to be working ok with a fairly informal sign-up arrangement. The Masons have asked us to either keep the doors on either end of the hall closed or have people watching them to make sure people don't come in unseen. If we cannot have door sitters, we'll have to keep the outside doors closed, and it may be hot and stuffy, even with the fans going. Anyone have any feedback? Please let me know.

So far, we've got the following shifts to fill for Sunday:
Set up: 6:15-7:30 pm; 1-2 people,
Early door, 6:30-8 pm; 1-2 people,
Late door, 8-9 pm, 1 person,
Side door chaperones, 2 people (1 for each door) at all times the doors are open. If you know ahead of time, choose a time slot. Otherwise, we’ll work it out at the dance.

Please let me know by reply email or text to 508-282-0089, which shift you can take, and dance the rest of the evening on us, as well as at a future dance.

Looking forward to seeing you all,



Persis L Thorndike
BIDA Board, Volunteer Coordinator, BTS Committee

Persis Thorndike

Sep 14, 2024, 7:03:43 PM9/14/24
to bida-volunteers
Hello wonderful BIDA volunteers, 

We still need 1 early door person and 1 late door person for tomorrow. Please let me know is you can fill one of these shifts.

So many thanks in advance,



Persis L Thorndike
BIDA Board, BeanTown Stomp Committee
508-282-0089 voice & text

From: <> on behalf of Persis Thorndike <>
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2024 12:26:02 PM
To: bida-volunteers <>
Subject: [BIDA-Volunteers] BIDA Dance This Sunday, 9/15/2024
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