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BIDA Volunteers For Tomorrow’s Dance, 3/5

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Persis Thorndike

Mar 4, 2023, 1:48:33 PM3/4/23
to bida-volunteers
Hello, you all, 

I hope you are faring well with this snow. I’ve got what was supposed to be 9-10” of precipitation, interspersed with rain, so it is heavy, drippy, soggy snow. Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer! 

March is our busiest month! We’ve got our usual 1st and 3rd Sunday dances, Bean Town Stomp next weekend (March 10-12, volunteers have been assigned already), and a special 4th Sunday with Countercurrent (Alex Sturbaum and Brian Lindsay from Seattle, music should be amazing) on the 26th. April slows down to our usual 2 dances, but also includes our Board Elections on the 16th.

This week, we’ve got Hannah Johlas calling to the music of Confluence, Nadine Dyskant-Miller and Barbara Dyskant. Confluence had a session at last year’s NEFFA and they were fabulous; you’ll be in for a real treat (as usual it seems).

I need the following shifts filled: 
Set-up; 1 person, 6:15-7:30,
Early door; 2 people (we’ve already had 1 volunteer step up), 6:30-8,
Late door; 2 people, 8-9.

Please let me know which slot you prefer. You can reach me by return email, or text/voice to 508-282-0089.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. :-)



Persis L Thorndike
BIDA Board, Volunteer Coordinator
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