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Welcome in the New Year with BIDA 1/5/2025

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Persis Thorndike

Jan 1, 2025, 12:08:49 PMJan 1
to bida-volunteers
Happy New Year, you all!

It's another year, and we have wonderful dances to start off the year on the right foot. I hope you all spent the tail end of 2024 doing things that brought you joy.

On Sunday, January 5, we have Anadama playing tunes to dances called by Tommy Linden, making his BIDA solo debut. It should be a great start to our winter/spring season.

Please let me know by reply email, text or phone if you can fill any of the following shifts:
Early door, 6:30-8; 1 person
Late door, 8-9; 1 person

In exchange for volunteering, you will dance the rest of the evening on us, as well as get a ticket for a future dance.

Thank you to those who have already let me know they can pick up shifts. Our dances are successful because of all the help you give us to run smoothly. We all appreciate you. 

I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.



Persis L Thorndike
BIDA Board, Volunteer Coordinator

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