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BIDA Dance 10/20 Needs Volunteers

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Persis Thorndike

Oct 18, 2024, 11:31:11 PM10/18/24
to bida-volunteers
Hello, you all,

Wow, what a few weeks I have had with my current project starting up. I hope you all are doing OK and enjoying the weather and maybe the aurora borealis and the comet?

We have a dance on a Sunday, with Jeremy Korr calling dances to the fabulous BIDA open band playing tunes lead by Maya Pierick and Jesse Ball. It should be another awesome evening.

We need the following shifts filled for Sunday: 
Early door; 6:30-8 pm, 1-2 people,
Late door; 8-9 pm, 1 person.

Plus the usual door chaperones so we can keep the side doors open for ventilation.

Please let me know which shift you can take by replying to this email, or text to 508-282-0089. I appreciate every one of for helping make our dance community work. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday.



Persis L Thorndike
BIDA Board, Volunteer Coordinator
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