Hello, you all!
My week has been full! I hope you all have had good weeks too.
We've got another fabulous BIDA dance coming up on Sunday, although how we can top the last dance with Tower Ravens (and cake...), I can't even! On Sunday, Einstein's Little Homunculus will be playing tunes to dances called by Hannah Johlas at our Mask-Required dance this month. It will be an evening of fun and incredible music as we haven't heard ELH in our own hall in several years. If you aren't familiar with them all, definitely come out to dance; ELH is Paul Crooks, Tich Cownie, Eric Mumpower and Carol Laliberte DeLorenzo.
We need people for the following shifts:
Set up, 6:15-7:30 pm (or when done); we have one, could use a second person.
Early Door, 6:30-8 pm; 2 people,
Late Door, 8-9 pm; 1 person.
The usual eternal gratitude for your assistance in making these dances work is always given, as are a ticket to a future dance. If I have some time tomorrow, I plan on making some molasses ginger cookies and will attempt some GF ones as well. Please remember to ask me for them.
Please let me know which shift you can cover, by the usual methods; reply email, text or phone to the number below. Can't wait to see you all.
Persis L Thorndike
BIDA Board, Volunteer Coordinator, BTS Committee