Hello, all you lovely BIDA volunteers,
It's Saturday, the day before our next dance, and I am remiss in sending this out in a timely manner. I have been sick with a head cold that is knocking me out. Amazing how awful colds are after not being sick for at least 5 years... I keep thinking of things I need to do, then getting distracted and forgetting... please forgive me.
Tomorrow, we have Cojiro (Jess Newman and Mark Price) playing tunes to dances called by Julian Blechner. It should be another fabulous dance! Being the third Sunday dance, it is mask-required. And Sam Overbeck will share a Cotswold Morris dance at the break.
There is a storm headed our way, with luck it will wait til after we are all home to start but be forewarned. Weather and health depending, I may or may not be present, but I trust y'all will have a good time and can tell me all about it.
That said, we are in need of the following shifts filled:
Early Door, 6:30-8, 1 person
Late Door, 8-9, 1 person.
Please let me know if you can fill one of these time slots. I am reachable by reply email, text or voice to my cell phone.
BIDA runs on volunteers, and our community would not be what it is without you. Thank you for being part of all this and know that you are all appreciated greatly. Dance the rest of the night on us and get a ticket for a future dance as well.
As a heads up, we have our NEW 4th Sunday dances starting next week, 4 pm lesson, 4:30 dance, and will be looking for volunteers who can help out. These will be alternating mask optional and mask required as well, on their own schedule.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Persis L Thorndike
BIDA Board, Volunteer Coordinator, BTS Committee